blueboxdoctor- ok... *calming down* i apologise man, you caught me in a bad mood.. lol yea i suppose i was being a bit childish... alright- first off, when multiplayer is added to a game it takes up memory, this memory in return takes away from what is or even could be added to the sp *what i refer to as the ACTUAL game* now i know everybody hums the same tune- mp is done by a seperate design team and blah, blah, blah... but it doesn't matter cause the fact is it STILL wastes precious memory on something that isn't fun and shouldn't be in the game in the first place.. i'm gonna try and give u an example so bare with me- have u ever had french toast? u seem intelligent so i'm assuming u know the ingredients, to make french toast you take beaten eggs, add sugar and cinnamon *i apologise for my spelling* then u soak some sort of bread them make on a skittle.. anyways the point is this- french toast is good yes? add syrup even better right? well what happens to the french toast if say... u decide to leave out the sugar? less appealing right? ok then u take away the cinnamon.. now its starting to taste downright gross? now lets remove the strup as well... disgusting? multiplayer is like the corperate which sucks the life *taste* out of what could have/ would have originally been an awesome, fun, and entertaining videogame... but now... its complete poop. get it?
Yeah, I understand your point, but it's basically just that you aren't a fan of mp. It's cool and all that you don't like it, but honestly, I'd think you'd have a bigger problem with dlc. It seems like more and more developers are giving us less of a game in order to sell the full game through dlc, and this also apples to sp only games. Though, it seems like most games I've played that have mp have a pretty solid sp that may have been drug out if they forced it to be longer. Granted, MOH is a great example of how a game should have been longer, but I just think that had more to do with the development team than anything. Other games, like KZ2 just have a horribly written story so even if there was a full focus on sp it wouldn't have made it more compelling in any way (granted, the KZ mp is rather unbalanced, and not very fun). I think the problem has more to do with developers taking less and less risks, especially since the media blew up COD as the best thing ever it makes it intimidating to make anything original. I still say there are plenty of games that may have mp, but the sp is right up there with the best.
eh... interesting point. and yes unfortunately you are right about DLC, it is nothing more than a scheme to keep making money off a game people have already purchased, is this right? ofcourse not. fair? ofcourse not. could they have simply put this data in the game when it was released? ofcourse. but what are u gonna do? hate to say it but these days even if you are able to find a game which focuses solely on sp *the actual game* the only option u have to get TRUE replay value is thru DLC. sad but true fact...True, but for some games the dlc isn't needed. By this I'm referring to ES:Oblivion. I have 60 hours on the game and have barely touched the dlc (have the GOTY version so it came with the dlc). Though I do agree, most games make you feel like you're missing out. Granted, there was always expansion packs to games, but for some reason dlc just feels a lot worse when you buy it, especially when it's overpriced for something that should have been included in the game (the biggest offender is COD with selling dlc maps for mp, which I see no point in getting, especially at a minimum of $10 for 4 maps that they probably made when the game was in develpment and just want to exploit people for money). Though, who can blame them, enough people must be buying it if it keeps getting released. Then again, I was annoyed when games went from $50 to $60 from last gen to this gen (hmm, games are getting rather expensive these days).
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