I'm A Big MGS Fan, But I Don't Know Why, But I Did't Enjoy Portable Ops That Much, It's Well... I Don't Know, It Just Doesn't Feel So Fun... I Guess It's Cause Of The Recruit Thing, But I Really Like The Idea, And Managing, The Units, But The Knocking Them Out Then Dragging Them, It's Like, I Can't Kill People, If I Shoot One, It Could Alert, There Are Too Many People, And You'd Die, Well, Not Unless You Restart The Mission Or Abort It. And I Guess Another One Is That Their Isn't Any Camouflage, It Kinda Makes It Hard To Like, Well, Sneak. And The Controls, Well, They're Okay, But, They Could've Made The Inventory Better. The Only Part I Like, Is The Multiple Playable Charaters, Snake's Sneaking Suit, The Units, And... The Cutscenes Are Great Too, It's Pretty Cool!
I'm Glad Though, For Peace Walker, I'm Really Excited For It, It's Got Camouflage Already, And The Same Team That Worked On MGS4 Is Gonna Work On It Too!! :D
As For MGA, I've Never Tried It, But It's Kinda Interesting, Maybe I'll Try It One Day
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