Hey guys, I'm looking for a little bit of advice on what game to pre-order this November. I currently have a pre-order down for Unreal Tournament III, but the more I think about it, The Orange Box looks more and more interesting. I know I can get both games, but I am on a budget and don't see myself playing two FPS at the same time. I will eventually get both because they both look awesome, but I need a little help figuring out which one to get first.
I am beginning to lean towards The Orange Box because I have never played a Half Life game. The games are very highly rated and have been praised by many gamers worldwide. I also hear that there is an excellent single player mode, great AI, and a compelling story. Those are all huge factors for me when buying games and it seems like this game will deliver BIG TIME. The inclusion of Team Fortress and Portal also look like they greatly enhance the replay value of the game.
For those who have played Half Life 2, can you please share with me some of your impressions of the game? Pros and cons. Things you like best?
Unreal Tournament is my favorite PC game and absolutely pisses on Halo (in my opinion) with respect to online gameplay. I no longer have a PC, I use a Mac. Hence the reason I can no longer play PC games. I love the fast and furious gameplay of Unreal Tournament. I haven't played an Unreal game since the original...The fact that I can use a keyboard and mouse is VERY COOL and the use of PC mods is even cooler. Epic has stated that have have optimized the Unreal Engine for the PS3...I know this game will run well on the PS3.
I suspect that the online community for Unreal Tournament III will be larger than that of Team Fortress. Your thoughts on my hypothesis?
For those who have played either of the series' or both of them, what do you think should be my FIRST purchase?
Like I said before, I'm going to get both games eventually. I'm just on a budget right now and don't think it is very practical to buy two games of the game genre at the same time so please don't tell me both.
Fall/Winter 2007 Checklist
1. Warhawk (CHECK)
2. Heavenly Sword (CHECK)
3. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (Awaiting Demo)
4. Unreal Tournament III or The Orange Box (HELP!)
5. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Pre-Ordered)
6. Assassins Creed (Awaiting Review)
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