If I like a game, I will go for the trophies because they add more gameplay/challenge to a game. More fun is always a good thing.
So far I have plat'd Demon's Souls, Fallout 3, Borderlands, Resonance of Fate, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5, COD Black Ops, and COD Modern Warfare 2. All those games are fun and the trophy requirements are reasonable. The plat I'm most proud of is Demon's Souls because I loved that game so much I didn't even mind having to grind for pure bladestone. Everything about that game was fun.
I'm short just one trophy on a bunch of games. I don't have the patience for some of the more tedious collection trophies: Assassins Creed 2 (feathers) and Infamous(Shards). There are a few that are really frustrating: Darksiders (Angelic Beast ride – this trophy is one of the most unfun ones I have come across, the controls really suck during that sequence) and COD World at War (down 45 zeroes – this one makes me especially sad because I put so much work into veteran and I just can't get those zeroes…maybe one day ). And some trophies just get put on the backburner because I start playing other games and never get around to finishing them. This has been a great generation for games, there are so many great games to play that it is hard to find time to play all the games I want to play – it's actually sort of amazing that I found the time to plat the games that I did.
Game that I most wish I could plat = Batman Arkham Asylum. This is one of my most favorite games ever, so I really wanted to plat it. But I am just not good enough at the challenge rooms.:cry: I will keep trying with this game because it is so much fun and challenging for me that if I ever actually get the plat it will feel awesome.
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