I was a lemming. One of the most ardent 360 fanboys, I defended the console and bashed the PS3 to death. But slowly things caught my eye. The PS3 gamelineup, the quality of the hardware, and the free online made me see the light. I bought the $299 bundle with the GOW series today. GOW 3 looks so nice in 1080p on my 48' Sony Bravia LCD :).
My question is what games are must plays? I'm late to the party so I need to know what the best exclusives are. Thanks
No wonder you bashed the PS3 if you didn't bother to pay attention to its exclusives. At least your pleading ignorance lol. The PS3 has a broader area of genres for its exclusives, so you should ask yourself which genre your most interested in playing.
I won't bother putting all the exclusives down, but you said must-have's, so best of the best, right?
Uncharted 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Infamous, Killzone 2 (may want to wait for KZ3 tho, out in February), Little Big Planet (LBP2 also out soon), Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, Resistance 2.
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