Don't need to beat a game to identify any problems you have with it.....and to the comment above you don't need other peoples approval of your opinions to tell people about it. I can't believe the ignorance on these forums sometimes.
Well, I apologize for my "ignorance", good sir. True, you don't need to beat a game to comment on its gameplay, but he made mention of the STORY which you would have to complete the game to have a full handle on. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I know not everyone will like this game. Also, further apologies for not noting that the OP said he was at Chapter 25, but still he hasn't finished it. I'm just saying. There are games I haven't played enough to effectively judge them, so I won't. I didn't like Halo or Gear of War from what I played of them, but I didn't get very far. Plus, this was my first foray into the dual analog control scheme so I wasn't used to it. I still plan on replaying those games to get a better feel for them.
He's played enough of the game to know how the story ends, it's just one big hollywood cliche, he's on 25, there's one level left, stories unfolded as much as it's going to.
I'm not being sarcastic here, but do you dislike the game? It seems like you harbor a great deal of disdain for it, yet your collection of trophies suggests that the only PS3 games you've played are the first and second game. Just wondering.
Add to this the fact that you haven't finished either game I'm not sure if you're on effective grounds to judge it. If gameplay isn't game breaking, the final take on it should be reserved for completion. I watched Burn After Reading and hated it, but I was pretty tired and falling asleep when I was watching it. I'm making it a personal goal to rewatch it while fully awake to give it a second chance. The same can be said of games. Demos aren't always effective means of judging a game, nor is only playing a portion. The inFamous demo made that game look okay at best, same for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Those games were both critically and in my opinion great games.
I'm not bashing you or the TC. It just seems like you're going out of your way to berate the game when you haven't given it a chance.
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