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You , like many ....... just gave up too soon. It was probably overwhelming for you as it was for me. I was getting absolutely detroyed the first few weeks and I almost quit myself because it was too frustrating. I am so glad I didn't quit though , I got better and the game got better. It is in my top three ps3 games easily. I never in a million years thought I would be able to fly a Warhawk either and now I am tearing up the skies.
This game has a learning curve , but you'll get everything if you keep at it. Get tips , they really help.
Well I need a new game, and was thinking about Mercenaries 2. But then Warhawk crossed my path. I've rented it once already and thought it was okay, I didn't think it was as great as everyone said. One thing I didn't like was the ship customization and how limited it was. Overall it was kind of boring. The reason why I'm thinking of getting it is cause it's $30 now (greatest hits).I_pWnzz_YoUbelieve me the game is really fun and for the customization there is a new update that brought a whole lot new thing to customize for the ship and the character
id pass on it, get something else. Compared to other online games, this one is pretty random and shallow gameplay. Im trading mine for Burnout, id suggest the samesignore
u obviously don't know what ur doing when ur playing. learn the strategies of all the weapons and u'll realize that nothing is random and that everything can be countered
id pass on it, get something else. Compared to other online games, this one is pretty random and shallow gameplay. Im trading mine for Burnout, id suggest the samesignore
lol at the guy that got owned too many times and didn't take the time to learn the game. Although the fact he's trading it in makes me happy knowing we'll have one less noob that brings the team down to worry about.
id pass on it, get something else. Compared to other online games, this one is pretty random and shallow gameplay. Im trading mine for Burnout, id suggest the samesignore
Burnout is the game I no longer play. I am sure I will once the Bikes update comes, but for how long I cannot say.
Warhawk should not be passed up. It is an excellent game. You need to really give this game the chance it deserves. It is by no means a masterpiece, but it is as close as you can get to one for a massive online third person shooter. There is just so much variety in the way you can play. In the mood to fly? Go WarHawking.....Infantry, go it on foot, tanks? Well you know where I am going with this.
Do not miss the chance to get in on one of this generation's greatest and most balanced online challenges.
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