Orange Box, dont you get like 4 or 5 games in it, plus there are supose to be downright amazing...Have you played the Timeshift demo? Cause that might give you a good idea of what it is like...
I haven't played the full version of Timeshift, but The Orange Box is 5 games in 1, even if there are a couple of framerate issues (which should be getting patched soon). And Portal is worth the price alone for the best humour you'll ever witness in a game.
go with Orange Box. .. Half Life 2. Half Life 2: Episode 1 & 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal. .. i mean, 5 great games for the price of one.. or one mediocre game for the price of one
I'm kind of sad to say I liked TimeShift better than the Orange Box..... More enemies so they put in time-shifting abilities.... awesome its something you want to be able to do..... STOP TIME....
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