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I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?
On-line trophies. I like to play a bit on line but for the sort of games I play I am usually good enough to beat the single player but on-line well.....For example in MotoGP 09/10 one of the trophies is winning 69 races on-line but I haven't managed double figures yet and don't imagine I will without asking someone to lose for me which kinda defeats the point!
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?HarDcore_RpG
Lol really? 500 days?
Anyway I hate online trophies and boring tedious trophies like collect 100 feathers in AC2.
Online trophies drive me nuts. Especially ones that require you to place in a certain bracket. Yes I'm talking about you KillZone 2.
Modern Warfare 2 drove me crazy with the Special Ops co-op online. Still haven't gotten these.
I don't fret too much about not getting the trophies, but sometimes I look at the requirements and say "Oh hell no. I do not have that much gaming talent. Why did they have to go and do that?)
I'm sorry to say but the GOW trophies weren't hard. The only thing I hate about trophies is that they are online. Since I like getting platinums, some games make it really hard if only a few people still play it. It sucks for those who actually want to platinum LotR Conquest but cant do so because the servers are offline.
Most games with online trophy I don't even attempt to go for Platinum, specially when the games are online only like Warhawk and Socom Confrontation, it's hard. In Killzone 2, some of the trophies are ridiculous, I would rather play the single-player campaign on Elite difficulty three times than try some of those online trophies.
Right now, there's one challenge left to get the platinum on Sly 3, but I would change that single challenge for the whole batch of God of War 1 (which is the hardest of the GOW challenges), cause at least on GoW challenges you're 100% on control of your character, you basically need skill to beat it, but on Sly 3 you need lucky for some challenges.
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?-Hoax-
Lol really? 500 days?
Anyway I hate online trophies and boring tedious trophies like collect 100 feathers in AC2.
Ya I know totally ridiculous :x I dont think anyone's platinumed that game, or if they have they've invested their life into it lol
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?HarDcore_RpG
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?ExoticAnimal
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
My bad, your absolutely right. It has been a while since I've played and I remembered those as being the longest ones that I overly exaggerated the length although not purposely. I should've checked the info before. Still, it is long and altogether with all the time based trophies were you have to hold a certain power up for a certain amount of time and win 100 CTF games and others as well, it is one of the longest games to plat.
Collection trophies, I don't mind if it asks you to find a certain percentage, but games with lots of collectibles and you have to collect every single one, it pretty much forces you to use a guide, it's even worse if there's no level replay and no way to tell how much items you've collected out of total. Online trophies are kind of irritating too.
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?HarDcore_RpG
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
My bad, your absolutely right. It has been a while since I've played and I remembered those as being the longest ones that I overly exaggerated the length although not purposely. I should've checked the info before. Still, it is long and altogether with all the time based trophies were you have to hold a certain power up for a certain amount of time and win 100 CTF games and others as well, it is one of the longest games to plat.
It's all right. We all make mistakes. It's honestly not that hard of a game but just time consuming. I haven't really tried platinuming the game but my brother is only one trophy away from doing so. I might actually try to plat it sometime in the future because the game is just really fun.
Online of course. I have 90% completion on Assassin's Creed Brotherhood but the multiplayer (which IMO is incredibly frustrating seeing as how I have no manual to help me with) is keeping me from platinuming the game
I hate online trophies because like you say i have little faith in others, and I cant rely on my friends to help me only bcuz all they ever play is COD.
I also hate trophies that require you to play the hell out of the game to the vomiiting point, ok maybe not vomit but Unreal Tournament 3 (yes I know its ancient) for example, requires you to play online on 500 different days, I mean seriously whoever got that trophy must either love UT3 or cant afford another game. Who in their right mind would play a game for 500 days?HarDcore_RpG
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
My bad, your absolutely right. It has been a while since I've played and I remembered those as being the longest ones that I overly exaggerated the length although not purposely. I should've checked the info before. Still, it is long and altogether with all the time based trophies were you have to hold a certain power up for a certain amount of time and win 100 CTF games and others as well, it is one of the longest games to plat.
Don't have the game myself but I hear you can just change the time settings for it to count as a different day, as well as playing with bots to speed the process up.
Online for me...
not because I don't enjoy playing with others or have little faith in them, but because some devs think they're putting out a flawless online experience...
Games like Chronicles of Riddick had some unreasonable online trophies...trophies that might have needed a lot of players online, but the servers were almost always empty at the earlier stages of the game....I'd hate to think what the servers are like now.
Games like Ninja Gaiden where the net code is so horrible -- Where the A.I is extremely useless and you have to rely on someone to play a successful game (which is next to impossible most of the time because of, once again, the horrible net code). And the list goes on.
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
My bad, your absolutely right. It has been a while since I've played and I remembered those as being the longest ones that I overly exaggerated the length although not purposely. I should've checked the info before. Still, it is long and altogether with all the time based trophies were you have to hold a certain power up for a certain amount of time and win 100 CTF games and others as well, it is one of the longest games to plat.
I have that trophy. If you're like me and want it, but have little time to devote 20 days of your life to one game, just change the date on your console after getting the kills against. It's basically the same thing you'd do except you don't have to waste your valuable time waiting 24 hrs per 200 kils...
I don't usually care about trophies, but if I like a game enough, I'll try to get as many as possible. I hate grinding/farming trophies. I have NIER sitting at 92%, because I gave up once I only had the weapon upgrading trophies left. Some of the items you need are rare drops that can take hours just to get one!
i do hate online trophies, but after finally earning the "Man of 1004 Holds" trophy for SvR11, i now hate grinding trophies with a passion
I wouldn't call myself a trophy hunter, but I absolute hate the idea of DLC and online trophies, especially if a game has very few people playing online, they're wasted trophies which could be used for more variety in single player.
Forgot about the collectible trophies. ACII's feathers, ACB's Borgia flags, iFamous' blast shards and GTA IV's pigeons are just annoying. Whoever thought finding 100+ of the same damn thing is fun is completely insane in my opinion.
Online trophies are the worst, I find the sp aspect of a game far more enjoyable, even though I can play online for a little while, I usually lose interest in the repeditivness of it all eg, spawning, killing or dying, spawning, repeat till time limit runs out or kills are achieved.
A&B actully. The worst trophies are actually the "online grinding" ones. Although I don't care for grinding ones either, I can appreciate that sometimes getting 100% in a game could involve a little "grinding" to get to 100%. The challenges (GOW) and difficulty related ones are what trophies SHOULD be. Ideally trophies should be like this (IMO): You should be able to get at least 50% just by beating a game on default. (hate when I "beat" a game and the trophies are like 19%) You should be able to get to about 75% by playing through AGAIN on maximum difficulty. At most online trophies should be 10% and they should NEVER involve insane amounts grinding. The rest should just be the secret and hidden stuff, sidquests, etc to get 100% completion. It's too bad Sony (or Microsoft) didn't set some guidelines like this for trophies and achievements.2Chalupas
That's my thinking on what trophies should be as well. I loved how Uncharted 2 online trophies were, of course I'm talking about the 2 online trophies required to get the Platinum, which was play one game Co-op and one Competitive multiplayer, that was it. That's what online trophies should be, not reach a rank of *****, kill 10000 or be one of the best players of the week.
online trophy, espeically those have nobody playing...
I played vancouver 2010 couple weeks ago, and no one is playing it online, so basically it's impossible to get its online trophies unless you find someone boost you up. There are many games like it's impossible to get platinum cuz no one is playing.
I am fine with online trophies as long as it has health community size like COD.
You guys should try completing Call of Duty: World at War's veteran difficulty. I nearly had to buy another controller :|
that one is okay, you just have to play it like tactical shooter, take it slowly, like an hour per mission, then you will be fine. I think the trophy that requires you to use pistol as sniper gun in waw is actually harder, took me 30 mins to get that one.
You guys should try completing Call of Duty: World at War's veteran difficulty. I nearly had to buy another controller :|
Never played WAW, but most say beating on Veteran difficulty is just like the Elite difficulty on Killzone 2, hard and even feel cheap sometimes. But I'll take this over some online trophies any day.
I think trophies are tough for game companies, It's easy to assign a certain number of kills to a trophy with a specific type of weapon and be done with it, but that can also really ruin the game, especially online.
I will take Gears 1 for example (if any of you have had a 360 you may already know where I am going with this) There are certain weapons on the map that you don't start with, it only spawns once at the beginning of the match and there's an achievement for getting 1000 or 10000 kills with it. What do you think happens at the start of every match? First off, tactics go out the window in favor of a mad sprint for the weapon. You may have a couple people on your team that all want the weapon and then there is the other team which may have a few people that all want it, too. So now you have a running match for a stupid weapon that everyone wants for a stupid achievement . . . .
In those type of scenarios achievement/trophies are horrible and actually ruin a game. On the other hand some games do it right, balancing trophies that will come up as part of the overall experince of just playing the game and the left over trophies that encourage you to replay the game. Oh, and any online element.
I will be honest, the COD franchise has done right by me with it's online. NO online trophies but a set of unlockables that are multiplayer specific. Although, I have yet to play Black Ops so I don't know if there's a trophy for prestiging or anything.
I am only discontent on online trophies that task you with doing some really absurd **** like in BFBC2 knifing 5 friends, or in WipeOut HD Bling Brigade.
Online for me...
not because I don't enjoy playing with others or have little faith in them, but because some devs think they're putting out a flawless online experience...
Games like Chronicles of Riddick had some unreasonable online trophies...trophies that might have needed a lot of players online, but the servers were almost always empty at the earlier stages of the game....I'd hate to think what the servers are like now.
Games like Ninja Gaiden where the net code is so horrible -- Where the A.I is extremely useless and you have to rely on someone to play a successful game (which is next to impossible most of the time because of, once again, the horrible net code). And the list goes on.
You should actually know what you're talking about before posting info like this. I think what you mean is getting 200 kills on 50 separate days. There is also a trophy for winning 500 matches. There is no trophy for playing 500 days.
My bad, your absolutely right. It has been a while since I've played and I remembered those as being the longest ones that I overly exaggerated the length although not purposely. I should've checked the info before. Still, it is long and altogether with all the time based trophies were you have to hold a certain power up for a certain amount of time and win 100 CTF games and others as well, it is one of the longest games to plat.
I have that trophy. If you're like me and want it, but have little time to devote 20 days of your life to one game, just change the date on your console after getting the kills against. It's basically the same thing you'd do except you don't have to waste your valuable time waiting 24 hrs per 200 kils...
lol i think ill be getting the platinum for that one now that i know the trick. i think i have almost everything except for those 2 or 3Please Log In to post.
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