First I want to state I'm not trying to attack, but I was prompted by your post above which had generalizations that needed to be addressed.
Got a 2006 launched PS3 a month ago in 2014? I'm not sure any games will live up to old HYPE at this point. Surprise, don't fancy TLOU or Uncharted. Maybe you should have stuck with your gut and never got the PS3 machine since it seems like you've made up your mind. It seems like you are letting HYPE affect your scores, and that should NEVER affect how you rate a game. That's not a fair way to approach a product. You are immediately going to be critical of everything from the moment you boot up the movie, tv show, or in the case game. You gave TLOU a "7" and you blamed the HYPE in the title of your review ("So SO much hype, it just couldn't live up to it"). When I played The Last of Us, GeoW (Gears of War), Halo, Fable, God of War, Zelda, or Uncharted I wasn't dealing with any HYPE. There was nothing to live up to so I got to formulate my own opinion instead of being overly critical on the games. I didn't also have a mentality that it was the fans of a particular console that colored my opinions. It's also possible you are playing the wrong uncharted game, since the first one was the weakest as Naughty Dog were working on creating the game engine whilst crafting the first game simultaneously. Uncharted 2 was so much better as they got to merely refine their engine and concentrate on the game. You can even check at Metacritic as U2 was 95+. I can tell you Uncharted 2 is a hell of a game in comparison to 2007's old Uncharted game.
You cut games slack on the other system you've been playing for years, even recommending lower scoring games to users like Dead Rising, Crackdown, Saints Row 1, and even Alan Wake. I own all those games too, but I never let the HYPE affect my judgement on any of these games. It is what it is. Maybe you would have felt differently about Uncharted back in 2007, but you are playing it in 2014. You played GeoW back in 2006, imagine someone playing that game today and giving it a lower score and calling out the fans of the console for overrating the game. You love Fable, Halo, GeoW...but you don't like Naughty Dog so far. It's what I'm kinda of detecting.
My comments above are based on when you said: "One thing I can say is I have realised Playstation fans really do spout a load of drivel about their games". You played two games and now you are telling everyone here that you realized PS fans spout drivel. I bought a 360 back at launch 2005, a Wii in launch 2006, and a PS3 at launch 2006. That way I can play the games and not retroactively play games and blame fans of particular machines for spouting drivel years later. I can imagine some guy buying a 360 a month ago and posting that he played 2006's GeoW1 (You gave a 10) and 2007's Halo 3 (You gave a 10) and they weren't that all that good compared to the HYPE and Xbox fanboys spout a load of drivel. It would be the same idea, he got the machine years later and is allowing HYPE to aggravate his enjoyment of the older games. I used those games because you have quite a few 10's in your reviews and they went to Xbox exclusive games and you played those games in the appropriate years, just to sort of use an example. If I recall, you did enjoy the PS1 before the Xbox existed, but once the Xbox was created you moved to that brand. I think you spoke on that years ago.
As far as games to check out once you eliminate this whole HYPE thing that could ruin every game ever:
God Of War III, Metal Gear Solid 4, Demon's Souls, LittleBigPlanet 1/2, Infamous 1/2, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles, Killzone 2/3, Resistance 1-3, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Journey, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Motorstorm games, Gran Turismo games, and Rachet and Clank: A Crack in Time/Tools of Destruction are highly recommended. I fear though you might already have your mind made up and won't enjoy these games having skipped the PS3 from 2006-2014 and now playing catch up.
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