Naughty Dog, Level-5, and Team Ico are the only game making companies I actually have respect for. After I played Dark Cloud 2 I was amazed at how fun the game was and enjoyed all the extra stuff put in, basically Level-5 makes a game that has everything you could possibly want in a game (except online stuff). The Ico Team just blows my mind at how beautiful they make their games and how heartfelt the games actually are simply by just looking at them.
Now NaughtyDog is my favorite because all their games are pure fun, have stories, plot, good dialogue, graphics, extra content, voice acting, and always improve (except for the whole non-existent Kiera in Jak 3...that was lame). When I first saw pics of Uncharted I knew it was gonna be awesome cause Naughty Dog always lives up to the expectations.
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