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lol, Good thread TC. I'd pick Nathan Drake as my room mate. He can crack a few good jokes, but isn't so over the top happy that I would get tired of him after 10 minutes.McMJ3
Yeah but he'd been gone on adventures all the time.
[QUOTE="Big_Bad_Sad"]Pacman. He would keep the ghosts at bay.ColdP1zza
So would the ghostbusters.
Me and four other men in a room doesnt sound good. People would talk.[QUOTE="McMJ3"]lol, Good thread TC. I'd pick Nathan Drake as my room mate. He can crack a few good jokes, but isn't so over the top happy that I would get tired of him after 10 minutes.ColdP1zza
Yeah but he'd been gone on adventures all the time.
Alright, how about a lazy version of Nate then:P And lol at the guy who said Lara Croft. I know you want her to be more than just your room mate.The girl in Cooking mama so I can quit living off of the yellowpages
Actually, in cooking mama you are the one who is cooking, she is just supervising you and grading you on your performance.
lol obviously I would choose a girl roomate so she could help me with "certain things" so I would say Yuna and Rikku from FFX/X-2 can come stay with me especially iff Rikku wears her X-2 outfit :) If it had to be a dude though, definitely Dante. He is freakin badass
Not Nathan Drake, because I bet he would hit on my girlfriend. Ratchet and Clank would be useful, especially since they have all kinds of gadgets and could probably build/fix anything i'd need. I'm sure Otacon would be a useful roomate as well.
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