Warhawk- If i trade it in at EBgames, do i have to give them the headset too?

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#51 ChancreScolex
Member since 2005 • 365 Posts
I'm starting to doubt the validity of this thread, and his commitment to sparkle motion. Then again knowing kids these days. ..
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#52 dewmandew7
Member since 2005 • 4152 Posts

Well my dads being an ass and wont buy me .hack//GU//Redemption. He doesent want me trading games in either but ill find a wya to do it. Will they let me return Warhawk without the headset? Or do i need to give it to them?


1. Buy it yourself. Don't get mad at your dad because he won't buy you something.

2. Why do you want to trade in Warhawk!? That game is awesome!

3. Right on the back of the game box it says, "Not for resale", so trading it in is out of the question, at least for a high profile store like EB Games.

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#53 InotStupid
Member since 2005 • 53 Posts

Shlt. And I thought I was spoiled...
I started working at 14 for like a 100 a week then 35 for 6 hours a day for once or twice a week at a restaurant and still doing it.

Paying for all desired items myself.

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#54 Haseokicksass
Member since 2006 • 4604 Posts

Well my dads being an ass and wont buy me .hack//GU//Redemption. He doesent want me trading games in either but ill find a wya to do it. Will they let me return Warhawk without the headset? Or do i need to give it to them?


1. Buy it yourself. Don't get mad at your dad because he won't buy you something.

2. Why do you want to trade in Warhawk!? That game is awesome!

3. Right on the back of the game box it says, "Not for resale", so trading it in is out of the question, at least for a high profile store like EB Games.

1. Because i dident have enought money.

2.It was a sacrafice i was willing to make. That sounds stupid

3.You aloud to, thats what everyone in this thread has been saying.

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#55 Galen20K
Member since 2003 • 556 Posts

Oh MY What a THread>>>>>

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#56 Haseokicksass
Member since 2006 • 4604 Posts
what a wacky thread indeed. Woah i get dizzy just thinking about it.
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#57 Denji
Member since 2003 • 12757 Posts

Hey im nto the only person whos afraid of bugs and grease.

Oh and good news everyone. My dad bought me the games ^.^ HAHAHAHAHAH


It's still money. It's not like it the career for the rest of your life. Damn, you don't seem all that bright. It's called paying your dues kid. You'll never be anything unless you know how to get your hands dirty. It just makes me laugh, kids these days...:roll: Everything must be handed to you. You need your sleep? Do you sleep 18 and a half hours a day? I worked just fine going to school. I had a paper route when I was a kid, AT 10 YEARS OLD and I had surgery a few months before it and I've never been all that healthy my whole life. You're just a lazy spoiled kid that don't know anything and never will. I feel sorry for you.

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#58 hot114
Member since 2003 • 4489 Posts
Just fill the stocks in the grocery store, its the cool thing to do!
- see thats how you talk to these people. :P

Still with that atitude im suprised his parents bought him a PS3 instead of a WII.
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#59 knicknut17
Member since 2003 • 1987 Posts

Rather than piss and moan about your dad, go get a job. You sound like such an ungrateful little in-bred $*^* by talking like that.

As for your question, I'm sure you could trade it in without the headset. Don't expect to get more than $25 for it though. That's being generous in my opinion.

Sure, trade in your SIXAXIS and get $15 for it. Then when you want to play with your friends, you'll want to spend $40 (that you don't have) to get the controller back.

Kid, be grateful you have a PS3 and more grateful that you have a game like Warhawk. Give me your PSN name, I'll be sure to do your dad a favor and pop a cap in your face next time I go play online.

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#60 VilgeDuin
Member since 2004 • 424 Posts
Meh, I agree with Denji on everything he has said, so I have nothing to add to the topic in general, but will just reply to a couple of things...

i live in canada too and theres tons of jobs you can get, most fast foot places will let you work there at age 12 its crazy, or just get a paper route you lazy kidphilip6k

Riiight... Um, no. You must be 16 to legally work in Canada, otherwise some select fast food places can fire 15 year olds (primarily McDonald's). Good job though.

they will more than likely take it as a trade in, yes, even as a 13 year old, I was trading in games at that age, and have never once been asked for an ID. and even so, if they have a policy like that, you certainly do NOT need a driver's license, what kind of retarded BS are you trying to feed the kid? you know, there are people out there that don't have licenses that re 30+ anything that says you need a "valid driver's license" means you need a real ID, not that you can drive, just has to be an ID given to you by the state, you can get an ID that isn't a driver's license that is still valid

Valid ID up here is limited. Driver's license, Age of Majority card (for drinking purposes), new health card (which is not accepted everywhere), citizenship card (which pretty much only immigrants will have), military ID card (self explanetory) and passports (which anyone carrying that around for ID is brain dead).

And EB up here requires photo ID with your age, and usually they also need your address. I'm 22, have been going to the one EB I do for the past 7 years and know the people there personally, but I still need to show photo ID when I do trade the occasional thing in.

No 13 year old will be carrying any of those around.

Maybe think before you go on a rant about things you obviously know nothing about.
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#61 LordSchmee
Member since 2007 • 151 Posts

No... but GUYS deal with it...

you sound like a gay or maybe a poof...

either way grease doesnt bother real guys...

Its not like your in a place with grease eating pandas and no towels or sinks to wash with...

Seriously... im only a year older and Im waaay more mature than you...

grow up man seriously... you wont go through life being fed with a silver spoon...