I have both and I very much enjoy both, but if I had to pick just one, I would pick Warhawk. Even though I always lean more towards a solid single player experience, I find Warhawk to be a blast. I usually don't play many games online, but Warhawk is the rare title that will get even me to play online. Lair is quite fun, but with forcing the player to use the motion sensing, I can see why some would not like it. I myself find the controls pretty simple, but this will vary from player to player. I recommend that you rent Lair, or at least buy it at a store that allows returns when there is a used copy available for purchase.
Choosing which game is up to you, and you need to look at what you're wanting in a game right now. Warhawk is only good for multiplayer so if that's what you're in the mood for, then go with Warhawk. If you want a single player game that offers no multiplayer of any kind then you should stick with Lair.
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