This game will do for the PS3 what gears or war did for the x360. This game has such a good multuiplayer experience that it rivals any 360 online experience since I have experienced no lag. I own both systems by the way. The point is, warhawk is a reason to buy the PS3 hands down. Tekken 5 online is the other reason. Sony is finally doing a good job.
I think it'll get casuals that loved the ps2, to jump in. I have to pick it up, so I can get a few of them to get a ps3. (Don't think that they won't, they already want one just for resistance).
This game will do for the PS3 what gears or war did for the x360. This game has such a good multuiplayer experience that it rivals any 360 online experience since I have experienced no lag. I own both systems by the way. The point is, warhawk is a reason to buy the PS3 hands down. Tekken 5 online is the other reason. Sony is finally doing a good job.pjoasil
Yeah, too bad there are so many noobs. I spent two games getting shot at by my own team! (Ofcourse we all mistake someone once in a blue moon, or run them over in ctf) I was seriously getting pissed and then I took 3 of them out with the tank and got kicked off the server. Headsets seem not vital enough for some...
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