This was a good year for PS3, you know it's good when you have a bunch of sealed game sitting on the shelf because you don't have time to play it yet.
List some of your top games and explain why you like it...
1. Need for Speed Shift - EA ruins everything they touches and I thought this is going to be crappy but i was wrong. The proper racing elements, cockpit view, dynamic AI and sound effect is awesome, It makes all other racing game feels childish.
2. God of War Collection - haven't played the HD version yet but these two games redefine the action genre on the PS2. I hope other top PS2 games will make it to Blu-Ray soon or later.
3. Uncharted 2 - I bought it first, force all my friends to buy it and they started to force their friends to buy it. Everyone have the game now and we still want more. The production process along puts so many Hollywood blockbuster film to shame.
4. Modern Warfare 2 - I was angry because there was no dedicated server and activision was cocky as hell. I ended up getting it because I love the series so much and it is now my favroite game of the year. The single player was super intense, fun, sweet and short. The spec ops is more addicting than crack and the multiplayer set a new standard and completely redefine "Fun multiplayer". I can see myself keep playing this game until the next installment. Hell of a deal for $50. I played the first modern warfare for a year and it's still fun. God damn! I love this game. Activision have every right to be cocky.
5. Street Fighters IV - This is the game that made me purchase the PS3. 3rd strike was fun but IV takes everything back to the classic with a new twist. I made many new friends thanks to this game, everyone will following me home after work for an evening of SF tournament. I was so obsessed with this game I become a fan of "Daigo" and "Mago", do you know who they are? lol
6. Battlefield 1943 - My first PSN purchase, I logged over 150 hours on this game..... nuff said.
7. Peggle - it's out on the PC and just about every other console for a while but it's the most addicting digital crack in the world. Just having this game in my PS3 harddrive makes me feel proud.
Games I hated:
Resident Evil 5 - They better bring back the horror elements or I will never buy another RE game. The later add-on VS mode is complete crap.
Demon Soul - not as difficult as many said, but I found the game play to be slow and dull. I guess it's not my type of game.
DiRT 2 - The demo was cool but the actual game doesn't even feel like a rally game. all cars handles like tin cans on a stick and the whole "extreme", "X-game", "party style" feel was cheesey as hell. Every driver is your best buddy and they want to party not racing.
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