Me? I replayed Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 for the heck of it & as of right now it's just collecting dust. I am waiting for November to get here so I can play Uncharted 3.
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Me? I replayed Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 for the heck of it & as of right now it's just collecting dust. I am waiting for November to get here so I can play Uncharted 3.
Did some trophy hunting in Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 and now working on finishing Resident Evil 5. At this rate, I'm surprised my PS3 hasn't exploded yet.
Cathrine is the last game I have played on PS3. I have not used my PS3 in 2 days. As of Augsust 19th 2011. Sorry Sony but I have been playing a competitors gaming machine.
Plus this fall I shall be PS3 ing very much. Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3 and Modern Warfare 3. 2011 seems to be the year of "3". Since Battlefield 3 and Gears of War 3.
Most of the "3" games are on PS3.
Sporadically plying my games whilst quietly crying inside because all I want is the big releases coming this year.
Haven't touched it for about a week, but it will be used this weekend to watch Paul, the alien movie, just released here on BR ^^ gamewise I'm playing Xenoblade (Wii), The world ends with you (NDS) and Age of Empires Online (PC) ATM
I'm doing the Vanquish tactical challenges, I've beat 1,2,3, and 5, and just need 4 and 6 (the hardest two :cry: ).
Playing through Infamous 1 since I just got the new PS3 Infamous 2 Bundle. As Good Cole since I already beat it as Evil Cole. Also, watching movies.
Trying to figure out how to make it work on the TV I have now... Hope I get it working soon since I itching to play again.
Nothing, I got the Red Screen of Death. I turn it on every few weeks in hopes that it magically goes away but to no avail. :(
ir's sitting downstairs collecting dust. it lost all usefullness when i got a blu-ray drive for my computer :)
I'm just letting it sit there, until I can download Street Fighter 3rd Strike. I haven't gotten anything new in a while, but that'll change, come Deus Ex time.
Since Breath of Fire IV was re-released on PSN I've pretty much been playing that all the time.:D
Ha ha! Childhood JRPG.:P
Playing ModNation Racers (late to the party) and Killzone 3 multiplayer mostly, when on my lonesome. A bit of Limbo and Castle Crashers PSN wise.
Playing through Dragon Age 2 with the wife and a little FIFA 11 with my bro.
The PS3 is also used for Play TV, and Bluray/DVD yeah no lack of usage here.
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