What did you think of Resistance!?

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#51 XxAnubisxX
Member since 2003 • 4978 Posts

I love it, though not at first. My buddy brought his PS3 over and let me play it and I didn't care for it. Then when I bought my PS3, I tried the demo again, and I still wasn't convinced.

For the hell of it I decided to buy it anyway, and I played it through. I had a good time, but I wasn't overly impressed. As I do with all games, I bumped up the difficulty and played it through again, this time falling in love with it.

Nathan Hale and the story of Fall of Man really clicked with me on my second playthrough. Not just that, but the large scale fights with kick-ass weapons, fierce enemy AI and action all over the place really did it for me.

I ended up beating it three times, loving it the third time even more then the second, which I loved. I'm getting ready to play it again in preparation for Resistance 2, a game I expect to be amazing in every single way.

To be honest, before Resistance, the last FPS I truly loved was Far Cry on the original Xbox. FPSs have never really been my thing, that is until I fell in love with Resistance. The story, Nathan Hale, the Chimera, the weapons, the setting, the epic battles, the control, the fierce AI - all of that just really clicked with me.

Love Fall of Man, and eagerly awaiting Resistance 2.


Yeah I think a lot of people just really didn't give it a chance or go into it with an open mind... you listed all the reasons I love the game and don't see how people couldn't have liked all that you listed... its like an awesome movie, same difference...

Anyways I finally got the input I was looking for and a wealth of comments to take into consideration... thankfully the majority do support the series as do i

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#52 ronniepage588
Member since 2003 • 4188 Posts
i thought the unique guns allowed for some seriously unique and fun strategies- which were very necessary, because this is a very intense and fast paced shooter and you'll die very often.
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#53 Dan_Lero
Member since 2006 • 7487 Posts
I thought it was amazing, especially the layout and features they put into the online games like squads; that was extremely useful in clan matches!
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#54 Rigour_Mortise
Member since 2006 • 873 Posts

My cousin and I were playing it the other night, I think he nailed what the problem was with it. We think that it was a PS2 game that Sony told them to switch over to PS3 at the last stages. Think about it, animations, menus, feel, etc. All feel almost exactly like a PS2 game... it seems like they added some physics that weren't capable on PS2 and pushed it out the door.

Notice how much better everything looks in R2? I think it makes sense... I don't think R1 was/is a bad game, but it's definitely a last gen game in HD.


I disagree completely, Insomniac would not start a new franchise at the end of a consoles life. It feels a bit like a ps2 game because it was a launch title! By this time they were experts at ps2 but didnt know much about developin for the ps3, thats why it seems last gen. But i dont think they made it for ps2 the updated and ported it.