Wow, so much hate for FF13.
It's a tiny bit better game than the crapfest known as Star Ocean: The Last Hope. That is just the worst game I have played this gen. I'm not kidding. Makes me want to throw up.
With that little fix, i agree with you 100%.
I entirely disagree. FF13 is by no means amazing, but it does EVERYTHING better than Star Ocean. Characters, presentation, voice acting, story, and even battling. Star Ocean is garbage in the fighting system. You just pound the X button until something dies and evade every once in awhile. At least in FF13 you need to stay on your toes and switch paradigms.
Oh switching paradigms is so awesome , seriously , if ffxiii did something right , it was the battle system , flawless IMO, hope they keep it for the sequel and abandon the linear structure of the beggining-mid-game.on thread : Army of Two probably , if demo counts , then bulletstorm.
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