Don't you just hate & lovehow (during the holiday season) how many great games come and you can't afford all of them like:
Assassin's Creed
Kane & Lynch (I think it will be a good one)
probably more......you provide!!!
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Super Mario World, I was 5 years old and wasn't even sure if I asked for the console but I certainly loved the hell out of it.
15 years later Im in college and my roommate happens to have a SNES with SMW and I play it nearly everyday. Good times, I'm a killer in the game now.
Whats even cooler is that we have two tvs in the living room, one is JUST for the SNES. Classic
I would have to say..
The Outlaws on PC. I think it recieved like a 8.7 here on GS.
I was about 8 or 9 when the game came out, but I played it constantly for about a year. I had a NES, SNES and Genesis but I wasn't seriously into gaming until I played The Outlaws.
Unfortunately, PC had become too much of a hassle to maintain up to standards so I just went with consoles..
[QUOTE="freakyzeeky1986"]For me, it would have to be Super Mario World... I can't tell you how many times I've cried and shouted at the TV whenever Mario fell off a stage... Classic gaming right there! :lol:[/QUOTE
Amen to that, I had my SNES before that but SMW got me into gaming. That and Zelda: ALTTP
That depends. I was a gamer out the womb in 85'. Plus I was an only child.
But if I change the question: What was the first game that made yougo...awww yes? That will beTMNT on nintendo when me and my friend beat it. Still to this day I have only beaten that game once.
hahaha, TMNT!!! God I remember that game!!! It was impossible to pass! I remember I got to the tecnodome once and only once. When I died, i let out the loudest expletive I have ever uttered, past and present, and probably future. I hated Michaelangelo, his nunchuks were useless! I remember that if Donatello and Leonardo ever died on me, i would just turn the damn thing off cuz they were the best ones. lol, ahhhh memories!rafa1213
yea and ralph was no better...what sucked was the random as enemies that would come from no where just when you are about to get a pizza...you know count to think of it alot of games back then were alot harder that games now...
Remember doubledragon/battletoads the ultimate team... I REST MY CASE...lol
The game that made me a gamer would have to be.............
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time AND Goldeneye 64. It was kind of a mixture for me
Super Mario World, I was 5 years old and wasn't even sure if I asked for the console but I certainly loved the hell out of it.
same here. I started with Mario when I was 5. 15 years later, I still play that game :D
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