I can play all of my games hours on end. No particular game, the 39 games collection are all great games except for Flow.
Isometimes look at the trophies to se whether there might be fun stuff that I can do that I haven't thought of. Other than that I don't care. I've played NHL 11 a fair few hours and I have 1% of the trophies. Obviously I'm not playing the game the way they want you to. I think that's funny :)
Playing NHL on my 360 right now and although i have a few of the achievements unlocked, (11 of them) I freaking hate the fact that they are mostly online achievements 0_0 why are sports games doing this. Sure some people love to play sports games online but many others prefer offline. The fact that everyone online prefered or not can unlock offline achievements should say something. After the first 2 months the games been out a lot of online achievements become impossible :/A few multiplayer games have had me zoned for hours. Killzone 2, Halo Games, Cods, Gears 1
Single player wise Bioshock, Red Dead, GTAIV guitar hero xD, Sports games, and of course the number one culprit, Borderlands. Getting Fallout 3 tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
Single player storyline games would have to be those 4 tho: GTAIV, Red Dead, Bioshock, Borderlands in order from elast to greatest.
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