i've seen plenty of these before but i wanted to share my experiecne, cuz ive never experienced it like i did a couple minutes ago. Went inot gamestop to get some old ps2 games. They start talking about ps3. Heres the BS i here:
MGS4 going to the 360..."Konami crumbled after DMC4 did"...."2 weeks ago"
God of war 3 is probably coming to the 360 the way sales are going...wtf???? are u out of your mind?
Resistnace 2 will be going to the 360...ok..cuz its developed by insomniac right?? retards...
It offers nothing new...no..nothing at all except 1080p support, free online service,great exclusive games, and blu-ray disc
It was absolutely horrible, and i really wanted to get in a big argument with them about first party games, but wow these gusy either aer just down right stupid and dont know there stuff, or are trying to convince ppl not to get a ps3. And belive me, im sure they convicne plenty of ppl not to get one by there BS nonsence. It just really made me angry. Just thought i'd share my Gamestop/Eb games experience with youa ll
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