I don't complain about what the PS3 needs really or it's price. I could understand $600 because that was a lot even I did buy it. The PS3 had only like 4 games worth playing in the first 7 months and it's online store and features were laughable. I just don't like how people make the Xbox 360 out to be way cheaper than PS3 when they are about = if you really look at it. In long term perspective, the 360 will cost more in the long run and it could cost more depending on what you already have. $400 is a great deal for PS3 even without BC. The online is almost up to par with Live for the most part. The only thing that the PS3 doesn't have that is a cool feature is cross game chat. If the PS3 had that, then paying for live would be a complete joke. Even now at the 360's $50 a year price, that is still too expensive when you can get almost the same experience on PS3 for nothing. 2 years ago, yes that $50 would have been worth it, but now no way.
The PS3 can play Blu ray, use web browsing to an acceptable extent, you can use PC flash drives for making things easily transferable such as music and movies. The movies and music copy light years faster than on 360. The controller doesn't need batteries, some multiplayer games go above the standard 16players like Warhawk, Socom, Resistance 2, MAG, Killzone 2. Even though the sixaxis isn't used often, there are some games that do use it well like Folklore, Toy Home, Ratchet and Clank, Flower ETC. ThePS3's Dpad is also better. The fan isn't loud at allunlike the 360.
It justis annoying tokeep seeing "when is thePS3 going to drop in price soI can buy it." Is the PS3 worth it." IT'S$50 MORE THAN THE 360, IT'SNOT LIKE YOUR PAYING $1000 FOR THE SYSTEM. The $200 360 is garbage, ok pure and simple. The common excuse is that The 360 arcade is ok if all yourgoing to do is just play games. 256 MB isn't enough to do garbage. If you can save up $350 to get 360, it's notthat much harder to to save up$50 more dollars.
You can even use 3rd partyusb controllerpc gamepads on PS3. I use one as a 2nd player controller. You can't do that on 360.
Mostgames as of 2008 have the option to push traingle to invite someone to play a game. Mostnewer games I have played support the invite a friend option. It's only in the early games where this isn't present.
It just seems like people want to find reasons not to buy a PS3 and so they use the excuses that might have worked 2 years ago butarenonexistentas of 2008 +.
IT'S OK TO PURCHASE APS3 AND IT'S AT A GOOD PRICE. I am sorry that there isn't a crap in the box PS3 version for cheapo's to buy. I am not trying to make fun of people's financial situations but for what you get, it's pretty fair.It's not the ultimate system but it fits the bill.It has it's own games and the multiplats run fine now.
I don't care if you don't want to buy a PS3 just stop stating crap about it like "it's too expensive" or "therearen't enough games" or" is a PS3 worth it if I already have a 360?" The short answer is YES. All systems are worth the price they are at except for xbox live. That price needs to come down.
People need to start looking at the long term when buying a console and not justhow it is currently.
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