the 2 I said have already been posted, and they are Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Dead Island (not joking, I thought it would be bad but it's actually rather good, and that's coming from someone who isn't that big of a zombie fan).
I also suggest the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD collection, as it looks quite good in HD and they're 2 great games.
However, I cannot suggest Read Dead Redemption, as I thought it was incredibly boring (while I'm not a huge western fan I do still like westerns, but this just couldn't hold my attention). Mainly because there was a big world with basically nothing to do. I understand the old west wasn't filled with massively populated cities and communities, but it just felt like all you did was go from A to B and nothing inbetween (sure, there was some stuff, but not that much). Oh well, Rockstar also disappointed me a lot with GTA IV. Granted, I know a lot of people who really liked it so if you can get it cheap then I'd say go for it (the combo pack with Undead Nightmare is also out now, so that may be worth picking up if you're interested in RDR).
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