So, with the new of the next Resident Evil game essentially becoming a squad based shooter coupled with the announcement of "DmC" and FFXIII's fan blacklash: what's the next franchise to bite the dust? This isn't meant to start hate or anything(actual it kinda is but whatever:P), just honestly which franchise do you think is gonna go down the crapper. Or even what developer will start to have a downhill slide.
Come on, let's just get all these depressed, hateful feelings out and we can move on to better things.;)
Personally, I think Street Fighter is next. Capcom's become a master a crushing people's hopes and dreams so, Street Fighter seems like the logical next step towards self destruction.
The problem with Street Fighter is that Capcom released two games too close to each other. I agree if they keep this up, the title will fizzle out quick.
Others that I think can be ruined down the road in my opinion would be:
Devil May Cry (I've been over this series for a long time)
Bioshock (I am a fan, but #3 better be better than #2 otherwise goodbye. However Bioshock Infinate looks promising.)
God Of War (Even though they said #3 was the last, a #4? Sure, love the series, butit better have one kick ass story,after that you are reaching.)
Killzone ( Liked #1, loved #2, was left kinda flat by #3. I'm sure fans will want another, but I think I'm done.)
Call Of Duty (I know they sell millions of copies and that the series is not going anywhere anytime soon, but after playing modern warfare, modern warfare 2, and black ops I realized I'm getting tired of it. Same thing, same recycled gameplay, different locations.)
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