I still have the original 32MB Sony memeory stick that came wih my PSP but im gonna get a 1GB soon i think but the games for psp dont take up hardly any space on the memory stick.
I have 3 sony 1 gigs, a san disk two gig, and 2 lexar 4 gigs. You're probably wondering "why would you need so many memory sticks and how do you afford them!?" one one gig is for phat psp downgrades, one one gig is for slim psp downgrades, the two gig is for music, one 4 gig is mine, the other is my brothers, and the last one gig came with my silver psp slim and i just keep psx games on it. I afford this by customizing psps and repairing ds/ipods/psps in my school. 6k students attend my school and about 500 have the said appliances and are all INCOMPETENT, always breaking their stuff.
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