The game can be anyone genre whatsoever.
Mine is Battlefield much love for this game xD
This is not to start arguments just a chat on your fav games that you have played.
Favourite Games on PS3: Tales of Xiliia (and the other Tales Games- Xillia 2, Graces F, Symphonia 2, Zesteria and Vesperia), Nights of Azure (Yes, I have the PS3 version), Time and Eternity, AC4 Black Flag, Sengoku Basara 4, Bayonetta, Castlevenia Lords of Shadow, Tomb Raider 2013, Kingdom of Amalur, Zone of the Enders, Kingdom Hearts BBS
Favourites on PS4: Senran Kagura Estival Versus, Yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Rise of Tomb Raider, Star Ocean 5, Digimon Story Cyber Seluth, Samurai Warriors 4-2, FFXV, DOA Last Round, Fate Extella.
@haimesy1: I cannot pick a single game-
PS3- Makai Senki Disgaea 3, Dragon's Crown, Guacamelee, Metal Gear Solid IV, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Wipeout Fury, Braid, Vanquish, Little Big Planet 2, Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Pac-Man Championship DX.
PS4- The Evil Within, Bloodborne, Resident Evil 7, Sonic: Mania, Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev2, Tearaway: Unfolded, Nier: Automata, Nioh, Dark Souls III, and D00M (I have it only on P.C. but hear the PS4 version runs well)
*I didn't count remasters just for the sake of keeping games of a generation in mind_
@RSM-HQ: It's good to not count the remasters in fair keeping games in the generation they were originally in is normally best my main games that i love playing on PS4 is Battlefield 4 upwards, Assassins creed BC upwards, Fifa, Mortal Kombat x, and looking forward to call of duty ww2.
My main PS3 games is: Tiger woods 12 and 13, Tales of Zestria, Surikoden 3 (which is a ps2 game but have it on PS3) MW2, WAW, battlefield 3 and both the bad company series, burnout paradise and Need for Speed the run.
Favourite Games on PS3- : Call of Duty Black Ops 1(Playing against bots is so fun for me) Skate 3, Tomb Raider and FIFA 12, absolutely fun to play
Favourite Games on PS4: Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4 Thief's End, Uncharted Series Remastered
Ps3. Uncharted 2. I adore this game, and played it through more times than i can count
Ps4. Bloodborne. this game is probably my favourite game of all time now
The game can be anyone genre whatsoever.
Mine is Battlefield much love for this game xD
This is not to start arguments just a chat on your fav games that you have played.
i have to go with Last of us for ps3. as for ps4 i can only answer that at the end of the Gen but there is alot of good games this gen for PS so its gonna be hard to chose
Horizon Zero Dawn. Lovely game, though I have to admit I have only played a limited amount of games on ps4. PS3, my ultimate favourite game is somewhere in between Skate 3 and COD Black OPS1-(against bots I find it so fun and wrecking my sister!) Did I mention the Uncharted Series?
There are tons of great games I really enjoyed on both machines, but would say:
Playstation 3 : Mass Effect 2
Playstation 4 : The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Favourite PS3 games: Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, God of War 3, Fight Night 4, Fifa 12, MGS 4 (series should have ended here), GTA V, Red Dead Redemption (worried about the sequel and the proposed online element), Heavy Rain, Bioshock 2, COD: MW2, Far Cry 3, LA Noire, Skyrim and Resistance 2.
Just making that list puts a massive smile on my face. I could have easily added in another 20 games but I wanted to name the games that stuck out most and were truly great. However, there is also a hint of sadness as the last gen is probably the last gasp of true gaming.
This gen has been filled with sub par, financial rip off sequels (MGS V and FO4 to say the least) not to mention horrible, online only FPS games focused on microtransactions...and the bleeding of that terrible monetary fraud into single players games. Oh and we have pretty much seen the death of sp fps games and the loss of free mp. Suffice to say, my list for PS4 will be a lot shorter.
Mad Max is quite fun I guess, the Uncharted collection improves upon the original game the most so that's erm good...I haven't played a lot of the exclusives. MGS V as mentioned is trash for the most part. PES 16 is an enjoyable sports sim but I think FIFA 18 will be the standout football game this gen.
Okay, let's see. Hmm
PS3- Tekken Tag Tournament 2, FFXIII, Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
PS4- Persona 5, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
PS3 - Grand Theft Auto V, Skyrim, COD4: Modern Warfare, The Last Of US, and Red Dead Redemption were my top 5 favorite games. But there are like 20 other games that are amazing on the PS3.
PS4 - Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and the re-mastered versions of the the above.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of games but:
PS3: Demon's Souls
PS4: Bloodborne
I'm only considering games that I played on the PS3 and PS4 so everything that came out for PC is excluded (otherwise some other RPG would probably be my choice). Still even if I did count games that I played on PC, I'd still pick these two over the three Dark Souls.
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