1 year and a half ago, when i was deciding between ps3 and xbox360 i looked at the exclusives available and it was mgs4 vs halo 3 and geow1&2. i ended up going with the ps3 along with resistance 2 in a bundle and bought motorstorm, rfom and mgs4.
at the time i was silly not to look at the games coming out and since then not 1 360 exclusive has looked that good to me except forza 3 and now ive ended up getting games like kz2, uc2, with games like lbp in my wish list and all the exclusives coming this year like gow3, gt5 etc.
im happy i chose the ps3 cause im enjoying it heaps and haven't enjoyed the 360 much at mates houses. i could so easily of chosen the 360 that day, it was cheaper, more friends had it and third party games were getting higher scores.
i guess i got the ps3 caus i had a ps2 and free online and bluray but if there was one game that it comes down to it would have to be mgs4.
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