I'm about half way through the game, but so far it is very fun with only minor flaws.
I must say I find the story line to be very uninteresting compared to RE4, but it is not fair to rate it until I actually beat the game. If anything, to me it starts off slowly where RE4 got right into it with Leon's injection.
Gameplay is great, only one section of the game I've disliked so far and that is the El Giante (sp) boss because it was completely stationary and rather long.
I really dislike some aspects of inventory management. Namely if you have a green herb in your inventory and no slots open and you come across a red herb...you cannot simply combine them unless you perminantly discard something. The game would highly benefit from a drop item feature (which would have the item slowly fade away if not picked up). Such a silly omission hurts the experience but by no means ruins the game. I would have also liked to see the vest not eat up your inventory slot since you wear it.
While its not fair to give a proper review until I've explored everything, the game is very fun and addictive thus far...It'll need to be good enough to want me to play over and over again like RE4 to justify its cost. Since $60.00 for 10 hours of gameplay wont do it for me.
If I had to give a score it would be as follows with lots of potential to improve as I put more time into it:
Graphics: /9.5 : beautiful game, hence why it wasn't released on the wii.
Gameplay /9.5 : Extremely fun so far on first play through with very few sluggish areas
Originality /3 : Thus far almost everything feels taken from RE4 and simply upgraded on. This is more of a glorified expansion than a sequel so far. Exception being the co-op mode which is what justifies the score.
Innovation /5 : Very nicely executed areas but again, not a lot we haven't seen from the last installment of the game outside of a co-op experience
Sound /8 : Very nicely done, nothing really stands out yet, but it in no way hurts the experience thus far which is what really matters.
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