I cringe everytime I see someone post something like, "Sony should just axe Blu-Ray", " I don't even watch Blu-Ray"
Are they retarded or something? Blu-Ray isn't just for movies, it's a bigger, better format for the improvment of games as well, just like the DVD with the CD. Just because Mircrosoft decided to stay with an Archaic format, doesn't mean that Sony should too(video game industry is all about progressing right?)
it's funny becuase developers like Epic with Unreal Tournament and Rockstar with GTAIV are already having problems with the DVD compared to Blu-Ray for their games, and the develpers of Killzone 2 has said that KZ2 couldn't be done on the XBOX 360, the main reason being Blu-Ray.
The Biggest thing though is that if Sony cut out Blu-Ray and went back to DVD all of a sudden, you'd end up with those newer models not being able to play any Blu Ray games.
People are so stupid.
I wouldnt say blu-ray is essentail to gaming.
It's a fine and welcomed feature, ps3 allows me to watch hd movies without buying an attachement.
Blu-ray has its strengths and weakness's over dvd.
blu-ray holds 5 times as much as a dvd, but reads much slowerd than a dvd meaning longer load times unless you put 2-5 gb of the game on the hdd and even then its about even with 360/ps2 loading times.
Blu-ray in the ps3 reads at 2X.
Blu-ray will not enhance gaming, well it will enhance it and be able to do it on one disc, but 360 can have the same hd textures the same amount of hd video etc etc it would just need to be on multiple discs.
Of course killzone 2 would be possible on ps3 in terms of size(im not sure what effects it has that say 360 cant do but in terms of size it could easily be done) if killzone was over 40gb it would have to be on 2 discs.
people forget they can do great things with compression and as tech and software gets better they can do more.
In a recent interview withID softwarewhen they were talking aboutthere new game rage saying it will be around 80gbbbbb in size and will fit on one blu-ray disc and 2 dvd9' for pc and 360.
As its been reported before over 40gb can be compressed into dvd9 without loss of quality, so its quite clear dvd9 will get the job done for this generation with the only inconvenience being 360 owners may have to use multiple discs, this is nothing new and really only interupts a gaming expierence for around 10 secs.
Im very pleased ps3 came with a blu-ray player its awesome but by no means does that mean ps3 will have games that could be 5 times the size content wise than 360, it just means they can have them games on one disc, a good feautre but not an essential one.
Even if sony lost the hd format war they would never drop the format, when sony released beatmax they intialy took the lead over vhs and looked liked it would dominate in 1983 but after 18 months or so VHS just took off and crippled betamax but sony still supported it for another 8-9 years.
Sonyhave been trying to sow up the multimedia market for years with betamax,UMD,mindisc but all failed it looks like there onto a winner with blu-ray but even if they lossed i'd expect blu-ray to be around for a long time.
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