There aren't many that I would say have been disappointing, but parts that I didn't like much...
Killzone 2 had a really great SP campaign, but I really didn't like the multiplayer. I liked the class system and all that, but the actual playing and mics on the PS3 annoy the hell out of me.
Assassin's Creede was really fun, but got annoying having to ride that stupid horse through the same thing over and over and then when you get to the ending there is zero satisfaction with all that you've been through. Not a cliff hanger like God of War 2, where you want to get the next one immediately, just ends and gives you nothing.
The biggest regret purchase for this gen would probably be the PSone classic Twisted Metal. I remember back in the day loving that game. I saw it on the PSN and was like hell yeah!! I'm getting that. damn that game is terrible. I forget how big a leap there was between PSone and PS2. Plus the game is aweful. Did I mention this game is aweful? It's aweful.
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