Well in Demon's Souls I find it very easy to kill some Bosses/Black Phantoms with the Thief's Ring and the Poison Cloud spell.
Has anybody else tried this cheap winning strategy :D
no but ive heard about it, and i want poison cloud but dont know where to get it, Poison Cloud
Cost to purchase: Wriggling Demon's Soul (from Freke)
Cost to cast: 15 MP
Duration: Approximately 5 minutes.
Requires 1 Magic Slot
Creates a cloud of poison mist in an area in front of the caster; lingers for about 5 seconds. Anyone passing through the cloud will be inflicted with poison status.
Effective for dragon killing, since the Pureblood Demon's Soul for Death's Cloud is likely to be used for something else (like the Blueblood Sword)
Can be used to safely, but slowly, kill False King Allant in patch 1.04. Will take a few recasts.
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