The idea of having a Horror character game seems AWESOME, Imagine playing as Jason, wielding a machette killing people in all sorts of ways, or freddy, or micheal myers.... WOULDNT IT BE NICE? IS THERE ANY OTHER HORROR CHARACTERS U WOULD LIKE TO TAKE CONTROL OF?
In other words a game based off a horror movie.....No thanks.I would rather have some sort of original character which includes.
The ability to do what you want to your victims from burning them alive in front of their family to eating off their body parts or hell set up a scene from saw.
Beautiful HUGE enviroments
being able to create your atire,you could be a killer clown,or be like me and cover yourself in fur.
Being able to set traps.Like barb wire trips etc,etc
Free DLC
Speaking of enviroments,you can have a level creator where you can set up your traps.
Variety of weapons
You can create your own story,in other words you can tell your story of why you went crazy.You could of had childhood problems or just snapped
You can set the scenario,you could be an Ex cop going on a killing spree or a Female dominatrix who kills her customers
You have to keep the cops from finding you out,thus adding strategy to the mix.You will have to hide the bodies,eat them,or do the easy thing.Bury them alive but be like that CSI episode and put a camera in there.
Maybe you want to torture your victims.Like if it is a gamer,you should be able to chop off their thumbs and mail them to gamesop or something like that.
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