I am!
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Wii r spekn Am-er-a-can we d()Nt "right" correctzly.Correction: Topic should read "Who is getting NGS2?" not "Whose is getting NGS2?"
I played through about half of NG2 on my 360 and the most memorable feature for me was the sick gore and blood flying everywhere as I swung my weapon at them. I was hyped for this game until I found out that the gore was removed and now I won't be getting it :(.
You know at first, I thought I was going to get it. Then, after the IGN review, I've decided not to. Its not the lack of gore (though that is dissapointing) its the lack of co-op.
I didn't know that the girls all had their stages to play while Ryu does the whole game. I thought you could play the game with a character of your choice. The same goes with the co-op campaign. I had the impression that it would be like RE5 and that your buddy would team up with you for the entire game... not a few stages.
As a whole I thought NGS2 was going to be one thing and it turned out to be something else seperate. While I do love the series, I thought the co-op was going to really make it stand out. Instead it looks like its simply a side dish to a main dinner when I was expecting it to be one meal. Because of that, I will pass on NGS2 and maybe rent it.I simply don't have the money to guess at the quality of game anymore, its gotta be great and unfortunatley, this game look like its just "good".
I am I am! Game is siiiiiiick. Beat the first one and have to admit that this game is slightly easier (from the demo)... Playing mentor mode in demo is actually easier for me then ninja dog in NGS1.... Unless I got more skilled Im pretty sure they loosened it up a bit. Anyways, THAT is how you make/deliver a demo. Play it once, unlock adifficulity and character. Play next character, unlock new mode. Im telling ya... They need to look at NGS2 as the staple for releasing demos... If the co-op was online I would be creamed out lol
I will get it eventually, but damn. I cant find the first Ninja Gaiden Sigma... :(
Wow,are you serious...?? I'm glad I still got mine!!!! lol
I just got mine copy of NGS1 back recently. I let someone else borrow it after I beat it but I asked for it back so I could replay it again, which I haven't done yet. I will replay NGS1 after I beat 2 and all the other games coming out for the next 6 months. It's hard going back to play games without trophies. Damn trophiesThe demo was quite average. Playing as the Ayane was cool but, how many stages are we going to get for all 3 women? The co-op was cool but a bit lame because there was not a whole lot of bad guys. It was nice that they brought back the mission mode, but the first one had way more bad guys in the levels and back then it was just one player. The new bosses are a nice touch in the campaign but in the end it was not worth the year and quarter wait. The camera still sucks and the fact that 3 games will blow that game out of the water a few weeks afterwards just makes it that much more obsolete. NG 1 was good but NG2 was just more of the same with no enhancements and had less than the black or simga expansions. The level design in the second is not as good either. Itakagi was a one trick pony.
After putting out the first one 3 times and the second twice team ninja still couldn't fix the problems that plagued the very original like the bow and arrow 3rd person garbage and the camera. If you must play the game, rent it. I think it is a shame that a good number of people are going to buy this game at full price and worst yet, have preordered the special edition.
There is no way that these people have even heard about the second one or have played it, because if they did, they would save their money.
Me and my cuz share games I got NGS let him borrow it and he was so impressed he pre-ordered NGS2 So I'll get it from him after he's finished.I am!
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