So it seems like the past week or so has been home to quite a few threads discussing people's hatred towards multiplayer. I'm really curious why this is the case. Afterall, whe I go online for some mp I see tons of people online, and I'm assuming they're there because they like it. Sure, like most people I also enjoy the sp quite a bit in games, and when I get a game I look for a strong sp first. However, I also like to have a decent mp if it's available. Granted, I'll buy a game soley for the sp rather than solely for the mp (wiith UT3, MAG, and Warhawk being obvious exceptions). I never really played a game that was ruined by the mp, so I don't understand the hatred towards it. Sure, Bioshock 2 may not have that good of a mp, but I really enjoyed the sp. Some games are just bad, boring, or short (i.e. MOH, really short) because they're just not great games. It seems like people use the mp as a scapegoat for mediocre game sometimes. So basically, why all the hate for mp?
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