Heres the thing, Jets in BF3 is cool b/c it adds another element to the wonder of teamwork.
Heres the problem with that, despite BF3 being a teamwork focused game (I'd say theres a lot more teamwork online in BF then COD) the jets are only cool and useful when used by someone who knows how and in concert with other forces.
Because of the excitement to just fly a jet, there will be tons of people just running to the jet again and again everytime they respawn, completely ignoring the team. And once someone finally gets up in the air, they'll just fly round and round for fun instead of actually helping because of how hard it was just to get airborne
I remember playing Pearl Harbor in Battlefield 1942 and sometimes whether a team won or not depended on whether the other side was just playing "fly round in the plane" instead of the game.
Being someone who had to deal with Horde Always beating Alliance in WoW I really despise people who run off solo when the premise of the game you are about to play is TEAMWORK.
I've been stuck playing my nephew and his pre-pubescent friends in COD: Black OPs for too long :P
Having said all that, I just got my copy of BF3 and if I'm looking to join up with a team. (I live in EST and I'm a Nite-Owl)
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