[QUOTE="signore"]I hate every FPS game that has ever been released, from ATARI to present. Worst yet, the only thing that seems to have improved over all that time is the graphics, not gameplay. "Get a gun, kill someone, done." I thought that since it's more expensive to make games for the PS3, all the stupid FPS games would DIE! However, they keep dishing them out, and Activision is still getting money.
Do you think FPS games should just die, or do you like buying recycled FPS games?shadystxxx
Just because you are of the opinion that FPS game's are of poor quality doe's not mean there are not million's of people out there that believe FPS game's are great.
I can understand you not liking fps game's but to say they have not changed at all in gameplay for year's is proof of your ignorance toward's fps game's.
Allot has changed gameplay wise in fps game's over the year's, take bioshock for instance, it's basic gameplay element's are the same as every other fps point and shoot, just like the basic element's of an rpg game, the basic's can be found in rpg's from 20 year's ago.
Bioshock can be a simple linear shooter, but it can be so much deeper than that if you think about what your doing, the depth in combat was amazing in bioshock IMO no one battle ever felt the same as i was contstantly gaining new power's that brought with it new strategys for combat.
You do not give fps the credit it deserve's, IMO the fps game is partly the reason gaming is so big, there's competitions going on all over the world for big money and 90% of those competitions are fps game's.
Gamer's can make a great living playing fps game's.
IMO the reason fps is so big and over-saturated is because of a few key reason's.
1. It's the easiest genre to develop in(i'm not saying making a game is easy just that it's easier to make an fps than it is an rpg).
2. There are easy tool's like unreal engine 3 that developer's can rent, there are allot more engine's out there for developing fps game's than anything else, yes somebody could use ue3 to make an adventure game but the engine is primarly a shooter engine.
3.The biggest market in gaming is FPS, terrible game's like turok,conflict etc make publisher's money.
I agree the fps market is over-saturated with allot of poor game's, but there's allot of great game's out there also.
The publisher is not to blame for these poor fps game's, it's the consumer who is at fault.
If consumer's didnt buy crap fps game's publisher's wouldnt make them, it's as simple as that.
I'm guessing your a jrpg fan(they tend to be the shooter hater's) and yet you complain about the lack of innovation, JRPG use the same terrible turn based combat they did 20 year's ago, only a few have moved into innovative combat scheme's but the rest mainly revolve around you hit me i hit you, with a slight tatical play to it.
Just because yo don't like fps game's doe's not mean they deserve to die, i don't like turn based rpg's i like rpgs like oblivion, but i dont believe jrpg's should die i appreciate what they do well.
:shock: You worked so hard!
But I'm afraid the guy was just getting payback for a similar sports thread.
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