you have to take in a lot of considerations when compairing prices in def places. avrg income, tax's ect as well as shipping charges ect. a lot of places have import tax's ect that are unfairly high. risk of piracy ect ect. for example in mexico you can buy things much cheaper than in the USA or Can. Anotherthing and this may not be the case just something that could factor in is the market size. If there potental sales are relativly small then its not worth them shipping,stocking units for 299.
Bingo! Turns out my math was off. WAY off (whaaaat a suuurprise :roll: ) USD New Zeland pays .79 per liter, USA pays .77 per liter ranking directly under New Zeland as far as what countries pay the most for gas. (100th of 141) So thats pretty good and its close to what USA pays. goes without saying USA is a bigger country and we do a BUTTLOAD more business. We consume more, we produce more and we trade more. Checking the numbers from USA to New Zealand (kinda cool to check out btw) we definatley earn our discount on PS3's lol. By a LANDSLIDE! We produce, consume, and trade within the top 1-2% ranking IN THE WORLD. New Zealand is near the bottom on some spots, halfway on others. Some of that is good, some of that notas good.
I am in NO WAY trying to compare which is a better country at all. Not even close. I'm simply trying to reason justification for having lower prices in the USA than New Zealand,and that it works out. Thats economics baby. Business is business. What I am trying to say is we pay less since we spend so much more.
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