With the exception of the first game and the PSP version (size matters) the games have always had different names in NA to what they have in Europe for example:
NA Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando = Ratchet & Clank 2 in Europe
NA Ratchet & Clank: Up your Arsenal = Ratchet & Clank 3 in Europe
NA Ratchet: Deadlocked = Ratchet: Gladiator in Europe
And now the latest installment has a different title also (but not as different as the previous games)
NA Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools of Destruction = Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction in Europe
Does anybody know why this is the case?
Is there any other game franchise out there that cahnges its name for different continents?
My curiosity is bugging me.
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