Atlanta, new york, L.A, New orleans, san francisco, miami, vegas, are just the cities off the top of my head that ive been to, that is more entertaining then anything in toronto.
Atlanta= Gangsters Paradise
New Orleans = Hope You Had A Nice Swim
New York = Unless its NYC everything else is better off forgotten
L.A. = Garbage Hockey Team
San Francisco = Refer To Harvey Milk
Miami = Flooded with Cuban immigrants
Vegas = Where idiots go to waste money and get STD's
Toronto = Best Looking Women, Best Marijuana, Most popular hockey team (even though theyre garbage), Tallest Freestanding structure in North America, "Cafe's" (Refer to Amsterdam Term), and umm.... yeah thats just a few things i could think of that make Toronto better than any of the uninteresting American cities that youve "travelled" to... Now excuse me while i go smoke my great Torontonian Pot!!
This doesn't help us ..
It helps us more than you know padwan, if they were to make an RE6 in Toronto:
The female sidekick would be gorgeous
The Green Herbs would give you alot more health lol
The CN Tower could be the Finale against whoever the new bad guy is!!
The use of hockey skates as weapons would be awesome
The Closeness of Lake Ontario could provide a good Water Boss
.... Theres so much they could do with a game like RE6 set in T.O, and BEST OF ALL, Because Toronto is a multicultural city there would be no BS "Racism" seeing as they can turn people from every culture and religion into Zombies!!
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