no longer completely immersive and emotionally gripping? The only game in years to have sucked me in and left me with any type of feeling aside from indifference has been MGS4. Have we reached an age where video games are only about graphics and extras?
People will try pointing towards Lost Oddessy, which had a decent story, but in all the emotional gripping segments...were optional reads.
Other people (idiots in my opinion, at least in the realm of story crafting) will point towards Mass Effect, which...while being a slightly above mediocre game had the most cliched science fiction story around with barely any depth to it, most probably because of the very featured hailed by all its fan's it's "choices". And i understand that all stories are in large part borrowed and rehashed, but its the mixing of those new ideas to bring about something fresh that truly matters.
Well to shorten this geeky little rant, do others feel as me that perhaps the golden age where games could have been considered works of art in terms of story telling, as well as visual art, is perhaps gone?
or does anyone know of any future games in which a revival could surge forth from?
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