street fighter got less moves. kof got more moves. kof games is faster than sf4/super.
street fighter series got interesting characters like chun li and ryu. street fighter got kickass anime! im not talking about american-made hollywood movie... im talking about the anime made by a company called manga where it show chun li nude in shower. kick ass art and visual.
i like how street fighter 2 for super nintedo shows camera close up with big characters. kof 12 got it too but damm kof 13 took it away.
gameplay goes to kof. everything else goes to street fighter.
and ofocurse tekken is awesome! but jus cant compare to 2d fighter to 3d fighter. some people grew up where 3d fighter wasnt a hit. it have always been 2d..... old shcool fans of 2d play 2d fighter more. i like both 2d and 3d. i play tekken alot.
believe it or not i have never knew that we can juggle in street fighter games! ive been playing street fighter since 2 on super nintendo and arcade! back in the 90s.... and im 25 now. i have never knew street fighter games can juggle! untill internet is here and watch video online. when i play sf i always kick punch uppercut ec.t.. neve rknew juggle exist....
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