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Lately in the world of video games, graphicshave become increasing more "important" to people. My personal opinion is who cares what the graphics look. Last night I was playing Star Fox 64 at a buddies and had a blast. Some people in today's world would refuse to play it because the graphics are bad and outdated.
Why has graphics become that important to people? Doesn't the gameplay matter more?
Yeah of course gameplay is most important than graphics.. but it has to look good too.. thats why i hated borderlands.. ugly game with horrible gameplay IMOIMO, a good game is 33% gameplay, 33% story, 33% graphics & 1% online. Graphics are very important for me to buy a game, but first of all comes the gameplay. Also, the bad graphics were the reason I couldn't play MGS1 after downloaded it. I couldn't stand them at all.
See, and by refusing to play a great game because of the graphics is just wrong. Why take away a great game just because of graphics. My favorite game this generation is Uncharted 2. Is it because of the graphics? No not in the slightest. Yeah, they are great but I loved it because of the story and the gameplay. Honestly, voice acting is more important than graphics.
Lately in the world of video games, graphicshave become increasing more "important" to people. My personal opinion is who cares what the graphics look. Last night I was playing Star Fox 64 at a buddies and had a blast. Some people in today's world would refuse to play it because the graphics are bad and outdated.
Why has graphics become that important to people? Doesn't the gameplay matter more?
To me Gameplay and Storyline are what make a game, Graphics if it's there i'll have it. But it won't stop me buying a game if it looks bad.I see what your getting at. Graphics aren't really all that important to me. I replay old games all the time, again and again and again. I may just be weird, but ps2 graphics don't even look outdated to me. They're as good as they need to be, and anything above and beyond that is extra. I bought a ps3so I can play new games, like you said I think. Better graphics is a bonus to me, nothing more.
[QUOTE="Rekashal"]Yeah of course gameplay is most important than graphics.. but it has to look good too.. thats why i hated borderlands.. ugly game with horrible gameplay IMOLately in the world of video games, graphicshave become increasing more "important" to people. My personal opinion is who cares what the graphics look. Last night I was playing Star Fox 64 at a buddies and had a blast. Some people in today's world would refuse to play it because the graphics are bad and outdated.
Why has graphics become that important to people? Doesn't the gameplay matter more?
Borderlands wasn't ugly. It was hand-drawn and cell shaded. Go take a look at all of the textures. They were hand-drawn (or at least LOOK like they were). It was supposed to be artsy like Wind Waker's cell shading.
Also, I can't find the post again, but someone said that people choose to play a game based on online, then graphics, and then gameplay. I'm going to have to MAJORLY disagree with that. I don't know a single person who would buy a game just because it has online that looks interesting. If the gameplay sucks, then what's the point in even playing it online?
You spend 100% of the time looking at the game, but 120% of the time playing it.
Try playing bayonetta, with all it's cinematics. MGS, uncharted, just about every game there are times when the control is useless while you watch the action.
I remember when Donkey kong country came out and people flipped over how good it looked. If I'm not wrong, early opinions of the freaking atari commented about how good it looked. It's always been about graphics, this isn't a new trend.
Starfox 64 is a fun game, but there's at least 1 or 2 games released since then that are just a little better....
Once again, you cannot get to a cinema scene without the playing the game. Is snake doesn't move, then you will never reach a cinema scene, not to mention many games these days employ interactive cutscenes, whether that be as simple as monkeying with the camera or a QTE. So your still playing the game. And even if someone is impressed with visuals, that doesn't mean that it is the most important thing. I loved the way DKC looked, but comparably its not such a looker anymore, yet I still play those games. Why? Because its the gameplay, the expert level design, the co-op play, that's what I and so many others remember so fondly about the game, not the way it looks. If visuals is your vice, so be it. But don't pretend that's all that matters for everyone else, just because they commented on how they like the way it looked. I loved the way Mario Galaxy looked, but if it didn't look half as good but still played as well, it would still be my all time favorite Mario. Yeah people's love of visuals is not new at all, but the importance of visuals above all things is something that started to spring up last gen.Lately in the world of video games, graphicshave become increasing more "important" to people. My personal opinion is who cares what the graphics look. Last night I was playing Star Fox 64 at a buddies and had a blast. Some people in today's world would refuse to play it because the graphics are bad and outdated.
Why has graphics become that important to people? Doesn't the gameplay matter more?
For me graphics is the most important thing in a game.... i'm a graphic designer and i like great graphics, it's like art. I would not replay a PS1 or PS2 game because of the outdated graphics. Art direction is more like "art". But anyway, i'm glad that the best games that came out are the best graphical ones. That is a good look for the video game medium.And what exactly is wrong with a combination of both? Today's standards requires em both.Because if a game doesn't look good it can't be good obviously.
Graphics are certainly nice, but gameplay is the most important part of a game for me.
Graphics are important to certain games. Obviously games like Warioware and Tetris don't need it. Platformers and other games that involve exploration do need graphics to help portray certain things. If the characters in Uncharted 2 were all blocky and the backgrounds were flat, that game would lose about 80% of it's appeal. People do buy new systems out of necessity but if I am going to lay down $300 plus on a new system, then yes I would want games that showcase the new hardware graphics and beyond. Why play games that look and feel the same as something you already can get on an older system. There are exceptions to this rule. If a series needs to go back to it's roots to get good again then yes, I support it. Mega Man comes mind for instance. If Square ever decides to do Mana again, then I hope they would go back to topdown 2D sprites. Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 were the best games out of the whole franchise.
Personally I love graphics and if they are getting better why would you complain. You want old video games, don't buy a PS3.SalvationGift31
Did anyone say we want old games? We are just having a discussion as to why gameplay has taken the backseat to graphics in some cases. If you notice none of us are complaining either. Of courseI like my games to look great. I just feel that to much emphasis is placed on them.
As for Uncharted 2 looking blocky, it would still be just as good for me. Have the graphics of a ps2 game for all I care. It is a great game because of the story, gameplay, and audio (which is some of the best ever created). Whoever said that the best games made also look the best is somethingI don't agree with. Zelda OoT is one of the best games ever made even to this day. Graphics blow. They weren't even that great when the game came out. That proves that gameplay trumps graphics
I see what your getting at. Graphics aren't really all that important to me. I replay old games all the time, again and again and again. I may just be weird, but ps2 graphics don't even look outdated to me. They're as good as they need to be, and anything above and beyond that is extra. I bought a ps3so I can play new games, like you said I think. Better graphics is a bonus to me, nothing more.
Graphics is just an icing on the cake. The taste (gameplay and story) is the important thing.
[QUOTE="Wild_Card"]]iv been a gamer sense the nes and i can tell you that graphics has always been important to many gamers and a hot topic for discussion. its only this gen that people have fallen in to some kind of fad with claiming graphics are not important or game play over graphics like they think that makes them some how enlightened, when in fact it just makes them sound like pompous trend chasers. before this gen the concept that graphics and game play should be weighed against each other was hardly ever brought up. If so in so does not care about how there games look then thats fine, but for me, seeing as i spend 100% of my game time LOOKING at the game and the fact that the vast majority of every part of game play is done in correlation to the graphics "you cant jump from one ledge to another if you cant see it ect" then i want what i see to look as good as it can. plus with better graphics capabilty you can have more items,objects and characters on screen, you can have larger levels ectthat directly can effect game play.
Let me tell you whats wrong with that statement. Yes you do spend all your time looking at the game, because human beings primary sense is sight. However, unlike say a movie, if you put in Uncharted 2, put the controller down and just look at it...nothings gonna happen. All the graphical prowess in the world could never trump the interaction necessary to see those visuals. There would be no collapsing bridge in UC2 or shootouts on a train without interaction. You spend 100% of the time looking at the game, but 120% of the time playing it. Take a couple of examples, I often hear people say Bioshock is one of the best games this gen but it didn't have the best visuals, while I hear alot of people talk about how GTA IV was a technical marvel, but the game sucked. Two games, one with sub par visuals, the other with above average visuals, the one with sub par visuals is praised as one of the best games ever, the other is not. Why? Because visuals are non existent without interaction, and if that interaction is terrible or sub par, the visuals will not help the total package. In the end, gameplay is always more important than visuals. This isn't opinion, its absolute fact, because you cant just watch a game.
You really did not tell me any seem to think my statement means that i think graphics are the most important thing. which i dont. you cant spend 120% of your time playing the game. thats a ....silly statement. you can spend 100% of your time playing it.And with out the graphics you would not see those collapsing bridges or the shoot outs ect. with out graphics you have a text based exp. as far as your comparison of Bioshock and GTA4 goes, well thats your take on it. my self i think bioshock looked much better than GTA4. and at any rate both are widely regarded as great games.But i would have to say any one who says bioshock is in any way shape or form is graphicly sub par is out of there minds. any way as i said your off your mark in projecting your argument on to my statement as i never once said graphics were more important than game play.[QUOTE="Wild_Card"]iv been a gamer sense the nes and i can tell you that graphics has always been important to many gamers and a hot topic for discussion. its only this gen that people have fallen in to some kind of fad with claiming graphics are not important or game play over graphics like they think that makes them some how enlightened, when in fact it just makes them sound like pompous trend chasers. before this gen the concept that graphics and game play should be weighed against each other was hardly ever brought up. If so in so does not care about how there games look then thats fine, but for me, seeing as i spend 100% of my game time LOOKING at the game and the fact that the vast majority of every part of game play is done in correlation to the graphics "you cant jump from one ledge to another if you cant see it ect" then i want what i see to look as good as it can. plus with better graphics capabilty you can have more items,objects and characters on screen, you can have larger levels ect that directly can effect game play. Enlightenment? Okays: I fully support making HUGE claims. I do it all the time and can relate to where they come from. But when you even infer someone to be pompous trend chasers, we have a problem. You're not only attacking the millions of hardcore gamers who could give a dirt on graphics, but you insult casual gamers who game for fun and not for graphics. Which includes my family. And let me tell you, they're not "enlightened" or any other spew you felt the need to label them in. That opinion of yours was completely wrong and pretty much uncalled for. When people say gameplay over graphics, they're not trying to look down on those that have it the other way around, they just don't care enough about graphics to keep them from enjoying what could be a great game. i.e. Persona 4I could care less if you have a problem lol. Your goofy outrage does not impress ;).besides Im not attacking every one who do not care about graphics im pointing out that this gen has seen a rise in that statment often from gamers makeing excusses. Sure i freely admit that there are some people who genuenly dont care about graphics. mostly i think are the casuals who really are not what i would call *GAMERS*. What i find funny is a lot of these statements are comeing from people who praised some games on some systems last gen for being so great looking but now all of a sudden think looks no longer matter. they "spew" this nonsense as if it justifise the lack of visuals on some games. whats the point in stateing that graphics dont matter? can you really say that you would rather have an ugly game than a pretty one? would you want and ugly car rather than a good looking car?[QUOTE="Rekashal"]
Lately in the world of video games, graphics have become increasing more "important" to people. My personal opinion is who cares what the graphics look. Last night I was playing Star Fox 64 at a buddies and had a blast. Some people in today's world would refuse to play it because the graphics are bad and outdated.
Why has graphics become that important to people? Doesn't the gameplay matter more?
People who say graphics don't matter are lying 100%. I am not saying a game without good graphics (Diablo II is the best game ever :)), can't be amazing. But not only do i just like seeing the good graphics, but they do without a doubt increase the gameplay of some genres. Certain very helpful mechanics such as physics, partical effects, view distance, level of detail in the environment (which leads to having more things on the screen), and more, are just a few of the upsides to having good graphics. Without these graphics, some games simply wouldn't operate the same in terms of gameplay.
Yes i love diablo II, Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, and many others, but I also love and see the reason for graphics. That beign said, bad 3d can just be atrocious, and when you go back are just unplayable. Such as games like clayfighters 63 1/3. that being said it also shows how amazing games like mario 64 are for being amazing to date.
were are people getting this gameplay takeing a back seat to graphics argument? Some of the very best games gameplay wise are also some of the best looking, its been that way for ever and a day.and before any half wit says it i'll make a disclimer in that im not saying every good game has good graphics. . your always going to have some devs that make crappy games. and yes there are some crapy looking games that are great gameplay wise dragon age imho is one of them. but saying gameplay is takeing a backseat to graphics just does not make any sense to me.
Could some one please explain to me why people are just so up set with high end graphics or the people who enjoy them and want to discuss them. And are therer eally that many people out there that feel graphics are the only imporatant thing when it come to a game? In my 20+ years as a gamer i dont think iv even run in to any one who feels this way. were are all these people that go around enjoying horrible playing games that look so good lol :p
[QUOTE="SalvationGift31"]Personally I love graphics and if they are getting better why would you complain. You want old video games, don't buy a PS3.Rekashal
Did anyone say we want old games? We are just having a discussion as to why gameplay has taken the backseat to graphics in some cases. If you notice none of us are complaining either. Of courseI like my games to look great. I just feel that to much emphasis is placed on them.
As for Uncharted 2 looking blocky, it would still be just as good for me. Have the graphics of a ps2 game for all I care. It is a great game because of the story, gameplay, and audio (which is some of the best ever created). Whoever said that the best games made also look the best is somethingI don't agree with. Zelda OoT is one of the best games ever made even to this day. Graphics blow. They weren't even that great when the game came out. That proves that gameplay trumps graphics
dude OoT was one of the best looking games of its day lol. thats like 10 years from now some one saying MGS4 or uncharted 2 were not good looking games.but any way let me ask you this, given the choice would you rather play uncharted2 with ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics?[QUOTE="Rekashal"]
[QUOTE="SalvationGift31"]Personally I love graphics and if they are getting better why would you complain. You want old video games, don't buy a PS3.Wild_Card
Did anyone say we want old games? We are just having a discussion as to why gameplay has taken the backseat to graphics in some cases. If you notice none of us are complaining either. Of courseI like my games to look great. I just feel that to much emphasis is placed on them.
As for Uncharted 2 looking blocky, it would still be just as good for me. Have the graphics of a ps2 game for all I care. It is a great game because of the story, gameplay, and audio (which is some of the best ever created). Whoever said that the best games made also look the best is somethingI don't agree with. Zelda OoT is one of the best games ever made even to this day. Graphics blow. They weren't even that great when the game came out. That proves that gameplay trumps graphics
dude OoT was one of the best looking games of its day lol. thats like 10 years from now some one saying MGS4 or uncharted 2 were not good looking games.but any way let me ask you this, given the choice would you rather play uncharted2 with ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics?Lol I know, except for PC games that is, but still your right.
BTW I agree with what you said above, but what games look really good and play like crap to you? I love uncharted 2, MGS4 and so on, for both the graphics and the gameplay. Both are phenomenal games IMO. I am trying to think of a game with amazing graphics that sucks. I have opinions on some, but most people will kill me lol. I personally think gears of ware has very boring gameplay, but the graphics are pretty decent.
dude OoT was one of the best looking games of its day lol. thats like 10 years from now some one saying MGS4 or uncharted 2 were not good looking games.but any way let me ask you this, given the choice would you rather play uncharted2 with ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics?[QUOTE="Wild_Card"]
Did anyone say we want old games? We are just having a discussion as to why gameplay has taken the backseat to graphics in some cases. If you notice none of us are complaining either. Of courseI like my games to look great. I just feel that to much emphasis is placed on them.
As for Uncharted 2 looking blocky, it would still be just as good for me. Have the graphics of a ps2 game for all I care. It is a great game because of the story, gameplay, and audio (which is some of the best ever created). Whoever said that the best games made also look the best is somethingI don't agree with. Zelda OoT is one of the best games ever made even to this day. Graphics blow. They weren't even that great when the game came out. That proves that gameplay trumps graphics
Lol I know, except for PC games that is, but still your right.
BTW I agree with what you said above, but what games look really good and play like crap to you? I love uncharted 2, MGS4 and so on, for both the graphics and the gameplay. Both are phenomenal games IMO. I am trying to think of a game with amazing graphics that sucks. I have opinions on some, but most people will kill me lol. I personally think gears of ware has very boring gameplay, but the graphics are pretty decent.
O yea dont get me wrong im not saying OoT was THE best looking game. But it was very much considerd a great looking game in its day. And im sure there have been some good looking games that played like crap. of course both graphics and gameplay are highly subjective in terms of whats good and whats not lol. like you say i could prob point to a few games and then need to take cover from all the flames being shot my way lol. i think on avrg that most of the really great looking games are also high in the gameplay departmant. I dont think many devlopers who cant make a fun game put to much time in to the graphics but im sure there are case's of this. And just to be clearto every one, i in no way take the posistion that graphics are more important. i would def take a fun game thats ugly over a really great looking game that is not fun to play. ff6 as a matter of fact is my fav game of all time. Of course it was regarded as a great looking game in its day. My argument or opinion is that graphics do make up a large part of a gaming exp.Enlightenment? Okays: I fully support making HUGE claims. I do it all the time and can relate to where they come from. But when you even infer someone to be pompous trend chasers, we have a problem. You're not only attacking the millions of hardcore gamers who could give a dirt on graphics, but you insult casual gamers who game for fun and not for graphics. Which includes my family. And let me tell you, they're not "enlightened" or any other spew you felt the need to label them in. That opinion of yours was completely wrong and pretty much uncalled for. When people say gameplay over graphics, they're not trying to look down on those that have it the other way around, they just don't care enough about graphics to keep them from enjoying what could be a great game. i.e. Persona 4I could care less if you have a problem lol. Your goofy outrage does not impress ;).besides Im not attacking every one who do not care about graphics im pointing out that this gen has seen a rise in that statment often from gamers makeing excusses. Sure i freely admit that there are some people who genuenly dont care about graphics. mostly i think are the casuals who really are not what i would call *GAMERS*. What i find funny is a lot of these statements are comeing from people who praised some games on some systems last gen for being so great looking but now all of a sudden think looks no longer matter. they "spew" this nonsense as if it justifise the lack of visuals on some games. whats the point in stateing that graphics dont matter? can you really say that you would rather have an ugly game than a pretty one? would you want and ugly car rather than a good looking car?[QUOTE="Symphonycometh"][QUOTE="Wild_Card"]iv been a gamer sense the nes and i can tell you that graphics has always been important to many gamers and a hot topic for discussion. its only this gen that people have fallen in to some kind of fad with claiming graphics are not important or game play over graphics like they think that makes them some how enlightened, when in fact it just makes them sound like pompous trend chasers. before this gen the concept that graphics and game play should be weighed against each other was hardly ever brought up. If so in so does not care about how there games look then thats fine, but for me, seeing as i spend 100% of my game time LOOKING at the game and the fact that the vast majority of every part of game play is done in correlation to the graphics "you cant jump from one ledge to another if you cant see it ect" then i want what i see to look as good as it can. plus with better graphics capabilty you can have more items,objects and characters on screen, you can have larger levels ect that directly can effect game play.
Wait a minute so your saying that a hardcore gamer has to care about graphics? I would consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer as I play quiet a bit and the only time I would praise a games graphics is if the gameplay holds up well. Uncharted 2 is a prime example. Graphics are phenomanal, but the gameplay is so smooth and perfect that the graphics just seem to not matter as much.As for"spewing" nonsense, don't insult people with a valid opinion. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its nonsense.If the ugly game played better than the pretty one, hellyeah Iwould play the ugly one. Same goes for the car, if the ugly one runs better, of course I wold go with that. People also don't state that graphics don't matter because obviously they do being that they are video games. What is being stated is that gameplay means more and should be focused on more than the graphics.
As for the choice of ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics, why even ask that? I said in a post if the technology is there why not. The point of this topic was discussing those people that think graphics are the be all end all of video games. OoT also is no were near one of the best looking games at the time.
I could care less if you have a problem lol. Your goofy outrage does not impress ;).besides Im not attacking every one who do not care about graphics im pointing out that this gen has seen a rise in that statment often from gamers makeing excusses. Sure i freely admit that there are some people who genuenly dont care about graphics. mostly i think are the casuals who really are not what i would call *GAMERS*. What i find funny is a lot of these statements are comeing from people who praised some games on some systems last gen for being so great looking but now all of a sudden think looks no longer matter. they "spew" this nonsense as if it justifise the lack of visuals on some games. whats the point in stateing that graphics dont matter? can you really say that you would rather have an ugly game than a pretty one? would you want and ugly car rather than a good looking car?[QUOTE="Wild_Card"]
[QUOTE="Symphonycometh"] Enlightenment? Okays: I fully support making HUGE claims. I do it all the time and can relate to where they come from. But when you even infer someone to be pompous trend chasers, we have a problem. You're not only attacking the millions of hardcore gamers who could give a dirt on graphics, but you insult casual gamers who game for fun and not for graphics. Which includes my family. And let me tell you, they're not "enlightened" or any other spew you felt the need to label them in. That opinion of yours was completely wrong and pretty much uncalled for. When people say gameplay over graphics, they're not trying to look down on those that have it the other way around, they just don't care enough about graphics to keep them from enjoying what could be a great game. i.e. Persona 4Rekashal
Wait a minute so your saying that a hardcore gamer has to care about graphics? Im saying it makes no sense not to care. As iv said why would you WANT to play an ugly game when you can play the same game but have look great.I would consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer as I play quiet a bit and the only time I would praise a games graphics is if the gameplay holds up wellSo graphics are only good when the gameplay is good? That makes no sense.Thats no def than some one makeing a statement that they can not prais how fun a game is unless it also looks great. Uncharted 2 is a prime example. Graphics are phenomanal, but the gameplay is so smooth and perfect that the graphics just seem to not matter as much.As for"spewing" nonsense, don't insult people with a valid opinionI dont. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its nonsenseTrue. My not likeing it def does not make it nonsense .If the ugly game played better than the pretty one, hellyeah Iwould play the ugly one as would i but given the choice i would much prefere a game to have both . Same goes for the car, if the ugly one runs better, of course I wold go with thatas would i but i know i can have both so why choose the ugly one. People also don't state that graphics don't matter because obviously they do being that they are video gamesWhich is what iv been saying. What is being stated is that gameplay means more and should be focused on more than the graphicswhy cant both be focused on?But i also agree that gameplay is more important. .
As for the choice of ps2 graphics or ps3 graphics, why even ask thatbecause some people have made statements that graphics dont matter when in facti think they do. ? I said in a post if the technology is there why notSo your saying if we can have great graphics then we should have the? if so then we have nothing to argue about ;). The point of this topic was discussing those people that think graphics are the be all end all of video gamesAnd just who are these people? were are all the thousands of post stateing that game play does not matter? that graphics are all that counts?. OoT also is no were near one of the best looking games at the time your wrong. just read some of the old reviews. it was stated in many of them what a great looking game Oot was.Show me some N64,ps1 or sega saturn games that looked so much better than OoT at or near the time of its release.
well i would not play a game on an xbox any way :p but yes i go back and play old games all the time. i play ff6 snes all the time. i still play ff7-p on my ps3. pto2 on my snes, a few other old games like crash bandacote on my ps3 ect. Im def one of the people who loves a good looking game but i dont let out dated graphics stop me from loveing classics. boy would i love a remake of ff6 though. same story ect but with HD graphics and hand drawn graphics at that mmmmmmCould you guys honestly go back and play games on your original xbox i for onecan't go back especially now that i've had a taste of what hdtv brings to the table.
@Wild_Card: Mudslinging is boring. Try sticking to a logical angle. That means, you both saying we're pompous and my...."outrage?" goofy makes me worry about how much you actually thought about your logic. Again, you're wrong. Since I'm not quite sure where you're trying to go with....anything you've said other than to reply.
What are you trying to say? My point still stands that people, both "casual" and hardcore have the mental capacity to play and enjoy games with dated graphics. Be it new or old. Persona 4 sold, Final Fantasy 7 sold (again), Persona 3 sold, and I'm sure many more games sold that were graphically horrible in my opinion. And I don't think you want to stick those questions on me.
By the way, I'm the worst kind of hardcore gamer to ask things like "Would you rather?" I'll pick the "ugly car" no problem if it promises me a better run for my money. That means I picked P4 over Killzone 2, P3 over Final Fantasy XII, ect. It's not even a question to seriously consider. And to put your analogy in another light: Giving the premise of this generation, are you the type, sir, that would rather have a pretty car that dies quicker than the ugly car that lasts longer and works better? Because that's exactly how it tends to be at times. Graphics will never matter to me if the gameplay is wonderful. One day, gamers will remember that, and when they do, gaming will be a far greater experience. In more ways than just graphically, like it usually is now.
not entirely true we buy next gen consoles b/c we want the new games lol Graphics are great, but i have a high end computer and i still play diablo 2 on it hahaIn my opinion graphics are insanely important, it doesn't matter how amazing the story or the gameplay is, if the graphics are lacking the illusion is completely gone.
Think of it like a movie, if you see a goof then it takes you out of the movie. That's how I feel when I see bad graphics.
Besides, isn't that why we all own a next generation console? Because we want good graphics?
@Wild_Card: Mudslinging is boring. Try sticking to a logical angletakeing your own advice is recommended. That means, you both saying we're pompous and my...."outrage?" goofy makes me worry about how much you actually thought about your logic you should def be more worried about your own logic . Again, you're wrong no im not. Since I'm not quite sure where you're trying to go with not a big shocker there....anything you've said other than to reply. if your so unsure were im going with this then how can you be so sure im wrong ?
What are you trying to say If you would read my post you would know what i was tring to say? My point still stands that people, both "casual" and hardcore have the mental capacity to play and enjoy games with dated graphics And this has what to do with any of my statements, Were did i say that gamers cant enjoy games with datedgraphics. your seeing arguement points were there are none . Be it new or old. Persona 4 sold, Final Fantasy 7 sold (again), Persona 3 sold, and I'm sure many more games sold that were graphically horrible in my opinion your point?. And I don't think you want to stick those questions on me.Thats what you get for thinking ;P. But really, can you hear your self? "we have a problem","you dont want to be sticking those qustions on me" LOL man you sound like a bad B ****action movie :p
By the way, I'm the worst kind of hardcore gamer to ask things like "Would you rather?" I'll pick the "ugly car" no problem if it promises me a better run for my money you fail to see the point of the analogy. That means I picked P4 over Killzone 2, P3 over Final Fantasy XII, ect. It's not even a question to seriously consider Not when you dont understand the question its not. And to put your analogy in another light: Giving the premise of this generation, are you the type, sir, that would rather have a pretty car that dies quicker than the ugly car that lasts longer and works better again if you had read my post in this thread you would know that that qustion has already been awnsered. but I'll do so again,I would pick the pretty car that last a lot longer, not given that option "though i always have that option, i would pick the ugly car that runs better? Because that's exactly how it tends to be at times. Graphics will never matter to me if the gameplay is wonderful So if the game play is great then you dont want the graphics to match? ok, what ever floats your boat. One day, gamers will remember that Many have not forgotten but in this day and age a lot of gamers are smart enough to know we can have both graphics and gameplay, and when they do, gaming will be a far greater experience so when people start playing fugly fun games rather than good looking fun games then the exp will be better LOL. In more ways than just graphically, like it usually is now.So your saying games now are all flash? you really need to stop playing bargin bin crap games then. gameplay has never been so deep as it has been this gen. we have games that match and often add to the gameplay of last gen but with insanly better graphics. What games last gen had the scope of say fallout3 or oblivion? with huge detailed worlds equal to F3 or Oblivion? none. sports and driveing games are better than ever both in game play and graphics, action games and shooters have often gotten better, the cover system we have seen added has alone improved FPS's .I just dont see were gameplay has some how lessend this gen. this gen is no def than any other gen. somethings have stayed the same, somethings have gotten better. The fact is that graphics are a big part ofthe exp of games.So why would you not want them to look good? this in no way means game play should not also be good.A gamer wanting great graphics in no way shape or form means that he/she does not also want greatgame play.
+1 N64 games looked amazing in their own time: I remember playing Rogue Squadron and marveling at the graphics. But it's almost unplayable nowadays b/c it looks so bad in comparison to games out today.In my opinion graphics are insanely important, it doesn't matter how amazing the story or the gameplay is, if the graphics are lacking the illusion is completely gone.
Think of it like a movie, if you see a goof then it takes you out of the movie. That's how I feel when I see bad graphics.
Besides, isn't that why we all own a next generation console? Because we want good graphics?
You turned my rant into even more of a ball of text. Next time just do paragraphs if you're going to cluster things like that. Believe it or not, paragraphs are actually more suitable for reading. Not that I'm thinking at all when I say this or anything. Since your gameplan heavily involves me "not understanding", please do so "enlighten me" on your original statement.
If what you say justifies the negative attitude (or just flat out looking down) towards those with a different opinion, I can very easily apologize. But something tells me you've talked yourself into a good situation. Here's my situation: Why did you insult the gamers with an opinion that has no affect on your gaming? Anyways, I'll try and answer your question(s) in three short parts:
I game differently than you (clearly) and most others. The gameplay you praise as "deep" is rather shallow to me. Especially with the minor improvements from the PS2 era. Small updates that every other game mimics from each other. As much as you seemingly want me to buy cheap games from the bin, the fact is, I don't buy games often at all.
It's been over 10 years and less than 30 PS2/3 games alltogether. I have a picky nature not to pick out games with either bad gameplay or games that don't push the said genre forward. (Or in a JRPGs case, its story) Based on the fact I have a PS3, I think it's fair to assume I too believe there are games on it that push a said-genre forward. My statements for "flashy games" were in general.
I'm not the type of person who enjoys playing the same thing over and over with a prettier package too often. A game that exceeds my expectations in terms of gameplay or story is what I go for and rarely anything else. And if you can find my statement that says I wouldn't want the best of both worlds: graphics and gameplay, I'll give you a dozen chocolate chip cookies. Until then, I'm going to assume you weren't just trying to make as many potshots as you can.
You turned my rant into even more of a ball of text did not. Next time just do paragraphs ok....opps i did it again if you're going to cluster things like that. Believe it or not, paragraphs are actually more suitable for reading well at least for people who need to keep things simple :p. Not that I'm thinking at all when I say this or anything Ok now were makeing progress. Since your gameplan heavily involves me "not understanding"do i really seem like a guy with a "plan", please do so "enlighten me" on your original statement.iv tried and failed. Your beyond my help hehe
If what you say justifies the negative attitude im not tryn to be negative, im a very posative kind of guy...really!(or just flat out looking downWell i am kind of tall.) towards those with a different wrong :p opinion, I can very easily apologize Thank u i accept. But something tells me you've talked yourself into a good situation Yes a very good situation. Here's my situation: Why did you insult the gamers with an opinion that has no affect on your gamingJust cause? Anyways, I'll try and answer your question(s) in three short parts:
I game differently than you (clearly) and most others so that makes you...abnormal :p. The gameplay you praise as "deep" is rather shallow to me . Especially with the minor improvements from the PS2 era. Small updates that every other game mimics from each otherSo what makes games of today so shallow when you your self just said they have been improved on? Even minor ones.Even if the gameplay is the same wouldnt that mean that older gen games are shallow?. As much as you seemingly want me to buy cheap games from the bin Again you are projecting made up agruments on what iv said or in some cases not said. i said you should STOP playing cheap bargin bin games., the fact is, I don't buy games often at all.Why would i care if you buy games often? I never said you buy a lot of games. In fact if i had been forced to guess judgeing by your opinion that to days games are shallow i would have said that you dont buy ...or play many games
It's been over 10 years and less than 30 PS2/3 games alltogether. I have a picky natureAs do i ...o no ...does that make me abnormal to....gezz not to pick out games with either bad gameplay same for me or games that don't push the said genre forward Thats fine,But to me not every game has to push the genre forwrd,not every game has to be some giant leap, A good game is a good game. (Or in a JRPGs case, its story Why do you have to point out Jrpg's? Wrpgs dont have to have a good story? what are you racist lol :p j/k) Based on the fact I have a PS3 You cant prove that ;P, I think it's fair to assume I too believe there are games on it that push a said-genre forward your contradicting your self, do games of today push game play or are they shallow. My statements for "flashy games" were in general to what? Are you saying flashy games cant have good graphics?
I'm not the type of person who enjoys playing the same thing over and over with a prettier package too often Then buy some new games ;p. A game that exceeds my expectations in terms of gameplay or story is what I go for and rarely anything else. And if you can find my statement that says I wouldn't want the best of both worlds: graphics and gameplay, I'll give you a dozen chocolate chip cookies Youv said you dont care about graphics."graphics will never matter to me if the gameplay is wounderfull", But at any rate show me were i ever said you wouldnt want the best of both worlds? I may have asked you IF you would and i know iv said i would . Until then, I'm going to assume you weren't just trying to make as many potshots as you can.Would you or would you not want a game to have good graphics if the rest of its aspects were good? If so then we have no argument left to ...umm argue. If not, then you dont want the best of both worlds and you owe me asome cookies. but none of those cheap bargin bin cookies i want elf made snakes!
Why? Because people are different. Some people care while others don't. Personally, I see great graphics as a big plus, but bad graphics aren't a minus. Which is why I'd rather play games with good graphics, but the graphics won't make me stop playing. Some games have outdated graphics but the art lead is outstanding, which makes up for it. Some games don't need any of those things to be worth playing (even though most of them have decent graphics).
You make a valid argument, but i disagree. When you say it doesnt matter how amazing a story or gameplay is at least. Metal Gear Solid has one of the best stories in gaming and the graphics are pretty outdated. And some games Like DOOM may not look as good as MW2 but its still a classic.In my opinion graphics are insanely important, it doesn't matter how amazing the story or the gameplay is, if the graphics are lacking the illusion is completely gone.
Think of it like a movie, if you see a goof then it takes you out of the movie. That's how I feel when I see bad graphics.
Besides, isn't that why we all own a next generation console? Because we want good graphics?
Wild_Card, did you have to play into the man's hands? .__.No more than he played in to mine ;) If you look at everything he has said up to this point, the illlogic not only fits, but it basically screams 'bait Wild_Card into trolling.' Didn't you notice that you're the only person making digs?What? Really? I had not noticed what with his comment about "spew" Three posts in row, he gave you ample chances to question his intelligence he did at that. And at every opportunity, you bit every piece of bait you could How could i not. its just so tasty...but i'll have you know i didnt swallow ;p. So now, everyone who reads your replies will know now that you have an elitist personality with a need to insult others to boot. What I got from your cluster of a response was that everyone who says gameplay over graphics are wrong, I'm a pompous person, apparently, and ironically you think this makes you a positive person.LOL you take it to seriously man. But at any rate if thats what youv taken from my post then you need to reread them. iv said many times that i think game play is more important.Iv said that if i had to choose i would take gameplay over graphics. so im sorry but youv taken nothing from my statments but misunderstanding. My standing point is aginst the remarks of people who say graphics do not matter. And the need for some people to go on and on needlessly about how game play is all that matters ect.Like it makes them some how deep. Iv never once said that gameplay over graphics is WRONG or the people who say that are wrong. (Fact of the day: SC's opinions are NEVER normal. ;P ;))EnigmaNU
its important to me. but not as important then gameplay. its one of those extras that you must have to really enjoy gaming. well for me atleast
Wild_Card, did you have to play into the man's hands? .__. If you look at everything he has said up to this point, the logic not only fits, but it basically screams 'bait Wild_Card into trolling.' Didn't you notice that you're the only person making digs? Three posts in row, he gave you ample chances to question his intelligence. And at every opportunity, you bit every piece of bait you could. So now, everyone who reads your replies will know now that you have an elitist personality with a need to insult others to boot. What I got from your cluster of a response was that everyone who says gameplay over graphics are wrong, I'm a pompous person, apparently, and ironically you think this makes you a positive person. (Fact of the day: SC's opinions are NEVER normal. ;P)EnigmaNUEgh. Dude, you ruined it. :P The fun's long gone now that he/she's aware that it's a (troll)bait. Wild_Card, this conversation is probably getting boring for the both of us, so lets call it quits before Enigma here ruins all sorts of fun. But I will issue an apology on one thing: you seemingly took offense to the word "spew". I never really viewed that as an insulting word, so.... It never dawned on me that someone would call it a dig. I actually prefer not to seriously insult someone to the brink of mudslinging, hence the reason I never return-fired any of your remarks....well, partly. lol Anyways, it's a universal Gamespot fact that my opinions are not exactly ones that most take too well. I thought my 13k posts established this. =p
[QUOTE="EnigmaNU"]Wild_Card, did you have to play into the man's hands? .__. If you look at everything he has said up to this point, the logic not only fits, but it basically screams 'bait Wild_Card into trolling.' Didn't you notice that you're the only person making digs? Three posts in row, he gave you ample chances to question his intelligence. And at every opportunity, you bit every piece of bait you could. So now, everyone who reads your replies will know now that you have an elitist personality with a need to insult others to boot. What I got from your cluster of a response was that everyone who says gameplay over graphics are wrong, I'm a pompous person, apparently, and ironically you think this makes you a positive person. (Fact of the day: SC's opinions are NEVER normal. ;P)SymphonycomethEgh. Dude, you ruined itIt really was not that good any way. :P The fun's long gone now that he/she's aware that it's a (troll)bait He/She didnt really mind and figured you/it had to be screwing around. . Wild_Card, this conversation is probably getting boring for the both of usIm sure its boreing for you what with the constant ownage youv taken ;P, so lets call it quits before Enigma here ruins all sorts of funok. But I will issue an apology on one thing: you seemingly took offense to the word "spew"Na not really as iv said its all in good fun. I never really viewed that as an insulting word, so.... It never dawned on me that someone would call it a digRight. I actually prefer not to seriously insult someone to the brink of mudslingingWith a face like that you cant help it :p "joke", hence the reason I never return-fired any of your remarksIts hard to return fire when your shooting blanks "another joke"....well, partly yea blanks do at least make noise ....kinda like you "one more joke for the road, thats the last one, im all out". lol Anyways, it's a universal Gamespot fact that my opinions are not exactly ones that most take too well. I thought my 13k posts established this. =p No it was your opinions them selves that established it "hey look i had one last joke after allAny way like i said its all in good fun. ;)
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