I have been really excited about this title cause I have been looking for a good tactical shooter. So you could imagine that I was pretty disapointed to hear about all the problems it has.
But what I find more amazing is the number of people defending this title. The game is obviously broken and deserves its low scores, but a lot of people still refuse to accept it.
I mean C'mon, the box claims it has features that it doesn't. How would you feel if you bought a car when the price list states it is a new car and has standard features, like an AC, only to find out after your purchase that it doesnt. And that this so called "new" car has a host of problems. Would you really be ok if the dealer said that they'll eventually add the AC for you and fix the other problems, when they get a chance? People can sue for that kind of misleading advertisement and the biggest surprise is that the socom developers havent been sued yet.
I think you guys are being way to soft on these guys.
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