My PS3 is in my room, which can get up to 80-85 degrees F, or around 28-29 degrees Celcius. Even with air conditioning on, which I'm a little too cheap to turn on tbh, my room doesn't get much of the cool ventilation compared to downstairs. I'd want to keep the PS3 in my room, I'm just wondering if any of you have had experiences with your PS3 in this temperature or if you think it's not a good idea. I have a fat 40GB by the way.
Classic example of RTFM. Pretty much every piece of consumer electronics on the planet lists the safe operating temperatures in the technical specifications.
From the manual for one of the fat 40GB models at Page 22, right hand column.
Operating Temperature - 3C to 35C, aka 41F to 95F.
Stay within that and you're safe. Go outside of that by a little and you're probably fine, but as has already been mentioned the device itself puts out heat, so if it's not in a well ventilated area then the space around the PS3 could be hotter than the ambient temperature of the room.
In the long run, cooler is always better than hotter for longevity of the unit.
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