After being AWOL for a bit I'm back at playing it now and I've got to say the game has come a long way since beta and launch. And like others have said when the new patch and dlc comes around it will more than definitly be a stellar game. Personally for community, teamwork, and tactical gameplay it is already a steller game. But once all of the features are added (really only problem I see with the game now)that was suppose to be there its going to be some serious business taking place on those servers :)
But hard controls really TC? Sniping TC? All of your complaints are noob complaints. Oh yea there are respawn servers for your info, and those are the servers you should have been playing in inorder to learn the controls and the maps prior to going into ranked servers. Ranked servers with Socom vets is prolly the most serious crowd to play with in any game. They aren't going to put up with stupid mistakes, inwhich I have done and been kicked lol. But when the team machine is working it is truly a beautiful thing to be part of and witness.
Socom is truly a game that NO other can give you the same experience. Treat Socom like a beast, if you feed and nurture it, it will award you in many ways. But if you starve it and don't take care of it the beast will eat you and spit you out. Another words if you plan on being good at the game your going to have to play it alot, and I mean ALOT lol.
The OP is a noooob, if I ever saw one, but I gotta disagree Socom is a POS, this game shoulda/coulda/woulda been something to put next to the PS3 and say this is why you should get this console. Instead we got Socom:POS. I think when were talking about the game itself, hence gameplay. Socom can stand on its own, now if were talking about the game as in being polished, AAA budget for a great graphics engine (although I think the graphics aren't that bad) and a game that is handled by a great dev team then I agree that Sony should have put out a alot better game. Socom is the biggest online game for the ps2 and Sony should have put more care into the release of the PS3 version.
But for gameplay it is fun as crap lol.
I can see what you're saying and to a degree I agree. The thing is, even though I love the gameplay, it's polish, which is non-existent and what is really just basic quality of programming, hinders the gameplay. I really wanted this game to be great, but man, I can't get into something that is so blatantly half assed(even if they're trying to fix it now)
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