(NOTE: Please don't say I am trying to make this game sound great because I am a fan boy. Eversince 2008 Febuary I've been saying I wasn't too worried about FFXIII because I wanted Versus XIII more due to exclusive rights (which doesn't matter) and because of the dark characters and etc. I'm just clarifying from my point of view that this game is pretty decent and as much as I kicked it in the back (somewhat) I am giving it a pat on the back. EVERYONE should know I would choose Versus XIII over this but this is good. So please don't say "It's just a fan boy" it's just my opinion. )
I've been playing non-stop for about 3 days now since I purchased it and I have to say it's "Pretty decent". Usually, when I play a game for so long (Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Demons Souls, GTA EFLC, and many more) I would have it completed in a jiffy (that's just because I burn the game out, everyone has different times and hours in playing their games). I actually noticed that I've been playing the game so long, that it's not over. I think that FFXIII is worth my 60.00 because
-It has nice detailed graphics. The regular cutscenes look CGI animated and the real CGI looks even better
-It takes a long time to get somewhere in the story with this game, but it makes sense and it's not bad.
-Every Character has a past and a story why they are mixed in the fate of a l'cie. I think this is pretty good.
-Overall, square has tried to think of and make something out of this game.
Now don't get me wrong, there are things different with this FF title as we all could see. I know some people can't stand how the battles seem so easy and how the game is so called "linear" but I think this game is a nice relaxing game and it's still worth 60.00 because it's long and it's not over even if you are playing non stop.
It's more to it, but I think to the point is that this game is worth 60.00.
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