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[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]I loved FFXII as well. It was one of my favorite FF titles. It was the first FF cast that no one really cared for. People are too picky lol did you notice that Vaan wasn't even on Dissidia ? I didn't care for Vaan and Penelo too much myself. I like enjoy the other characters though especially Basch.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"] People hated XII and I found it hott. Young_Charter
It was the first FF cast that no one really cared for. People are too picky lol did you notice that Vaan wasn't even on Dissidia ? I didn't care for Vaan and Penelo too much myself. I like enjoy the other characters though especially Basch. Balthier was the Vincent of that Final Fantasy lol you could tell.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] I loved FFXII as well. It was one of my favorite FF titles.
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]I didn't care for Vaan and Penelo too much myself. I like enjoy the other characters though especially Basch. Balthier was the Vincent of that Final Fantasy lol you could tell.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"] It was the first FF cast that no one really cared for. People are too picky lol did you notice that Vaan wasn't even on Dissidia ? Young_Charter
I loved FFXII too, and likewise, I didn't really like Vaan or Penelo, they didn't really contribute much into the story like the others did imo.
Balthier was the Vincent of that Final Fantasy lol you could tell.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] I didn't care for Vaan and Penelo too much myself. I like enjoy the other characters though especially Basch.
I loved FFXII too, and likewise, I didn't really like Vaan or Penelo, they didn't really contribute much into the story like the others did imo.
Vaan was basically the naruto of the game lol the unimportant. Well, wait. His twin brother did die lolBalthier was the Vincent of that Final Fantasy lol you could tell.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] I didn't care for Vaan and Penelo too much myself. I like enjoy the other characters though especially Basch.
I loved FFXII too, and likewise, I didn't really like Vaan or Penelo, they didn't really contribute much into the story like the others did imo.
I felt the same way. They stood in the background most of thegame and said stupid one liners lol.[QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
[QUOTE="Young_Charter"] Balthier was the Vincent of that Final Fantasy lol you could tell.jasonharris48
I loved FFXII too, and likewise, I didn't really like Vaan or Penelo, they didn't really contribute much into the story like the others did imo.
I felt the same way. They stood in the background most of thegame and said stupid one liners lol. like, "yeah dude.. for ivalice" lmao :P[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]I felt the same way. They stood in the background most of thegame and said stupid one liners lol. like, "yeah dude.. for ivalice" lmao :P LOL I wish Basch's brother killed Vaan instead of Reks lol[QUOTE="KamuiFei"]
I loved FFXII too, and likewise, I didn't really like Vaan or Penelo, they didn't really contribute much into the story like the others did imo.
like, "yeah dude.. for ivalice" lmao :P LOL I wish Basch's brother killed Vaan instead of Reks lol lol Rekks was the serious type. It's a shame he did die tho. The begging was hot, it seemed like real war.[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] I felt the same way. They stood in the background most of thegame and said stupid one liners lol.
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]LOL I wish Basch's brother killed Vaan instead of Reks lol lol Rekks was the serious type. It's a shame he did die tho. The begging was hot, it seemed like real war. The beginning was pretty tight. The vibe it was pretty sweet it was like Star Wars meets Final Fantasy Tactics (well of course Matsuno worked on the story for both games).[QUOTE="Young_Charter"] like, "yeah dude.. for ivalice" lmao :PYoung_Charter
lol Rekks was the serious type. It's a shame he did die tho. The begging was hot, it seemed like real war. The beginning was pretty tight. The vibe it was pretty sweet it was like Star Wars meets Final Fantasy Tactics (well of course Matsuno worked on the story for both games). It was the first FF that had the same world besides the compilation of FFVII[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] LOL I wish Basch's brother killed Vaan instead of Reks lol
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]The beginning was pretty tight. The vibe it was pretty sweet it was like Star Wars meets Final Fantasy Tactics (well of course Matsuno worked on the story for both games). It was the first FF that had the same world besides the compilation of FFVII Yup yup, man I wish Matsuno was still at team 4 to make some more Ivalice titles (game about the Zodiac Braves and Vagrant Story 2)[QUOTE="Young_Charter"] lol Rekks was the serious type. It's a shame he did die tho. The begging was hot, it seemed like real war.Young_Charter
I never saw it that way... Not at simply upset that i spent money on the game. its not a strategy game, its a puzzle game marketed as a strategy game (only these sets of paradigms at these intervals in this specific order will get you through these enemies/boss)
That's not so. there are several different ways to defeat almost every enemy. Very few require a specific method and even then that method is only the BEST and not REQUIRED. Also, since when is FF a strategy series? I thought it was an RPG? Being that its an RPG the play style and battle style is left open for the developer to incorporate pretty much whatever they want. Puzzle game... :roll:im simply upset that i spent money on the game. its not a strategy game, its a puzzle game marketed as a strategy game (only these sets of paradigms at these intervals in this specific order will get you through these enemies/boss)
I'm borowing it off a friend and am nearing 40 hours playtime. If I bought the game I'd say it would had been worth it, though its very boring in parts, its very long, has a good story, great graphics and cutscenes. I would had loved some massive city exploration and more fun side games, but this is still fine.
It's very different, but it's not bad. It's good but different in a accept way.I'm borowing it off a friend and am nearing 40 hours playtime. If I bought the game I'd say it would had been worth it, though its very boring in parts, its very long, has a good story, great graphics and cutscenes. I would had loved some massive city exploration and more fun side games, but this is still fine.
It is def worth $60 plus tax. It's simplicity, great story, characters, music, graphics etc. have impressed me deeply.
FFXIII is GOTY worthy.
Worth my 60, barely.
Takes a while to get good, but when it does, you won't be able to put it down.
Grinding is an arse, though.
Yes. I originally played the Japanese ver and then again the Localized ver. It's the only game I've ever played and wanted to play immediately after. It's definitely one of the most enjoyable RPGs I've ever played, but I found the story and it's presentation to be lacking. I have mixed feelings about the game overall, but I definitely think it's a great game. It's flaws are overblown, imo.
definitely. final fantasy gets the biggest criticism because it isn't the final fantasy they want. i don't know why all these people are trying to turn this jrpg to a bioware game. theyve already taken out the random battles and basically got rid of the classic turn base system, you want the developers not to be true to what they want in a game 2?
its graphically impressive.
the story is a good story. hell if people can stand 20 hours of hideo kojima and his type of storytelling, then why criticize ff13. its inspired by japanese culture and japanese people don't think like americans. its an emotional journey, its a bit complex and there are some holes in the plot (but try reading some of the data logs) but its not going to turn into summer action blockbuster lord of the rings story. jrpgs aren't ever going to take away introspection and the value of journey and inner struggle. its good, not great. think of it as emo for japanese....
battle system is not EASY. to be real good at the paradigm system, you can't just have relentless assault and medic classes. i find that the battle systems are more nuanced than some of the wrpgs ive played. oblivion, fallout, and even to an extent kotor are great rpg's...but those games took me 5 minutes to figure out the battle system. it took me awhile to get used to the battle system. it almost feels like an action game with the frenzy thats going on and the constant timing of paradigm shifts made this battle system exhilarating. ..............i think what you guys are talking about is the that is easy.
finally, lets face it, this gen has been the most pathetic era for rpgs on EVERY console. if you love rpgs like me, you take em when you can get em.
I liked X's battle system kind of the most. If you think about it, FFVII was actually short.Is it worth $60? well ofcourse it is, the game has 30+ hours of gameplay that would keep anyone busy for a while.
For me no I hated the game, I loved FF7,8, and X but 13 was just not the same for me :(
[QUOTE="Melpoe"]I liked X's battle system kind of the most. If you think about it, FFVII was actually short. Oh my goodness! I loved FFX's slow turn based battle system... I enjoy giving time to think about my next attack :)Is it worth $60? well ofcourse it is, the game has 30+ hours of gameplay that would keep anyone busy for a while.
For me no I hated the game, I loved FF7,8, and X but 13 was just not the same for me :(
[QUOTE="Young_Charter"][QUOTE="Melpoe"]I liked X's battle system kind of the most. If you think about it, FFVII was actually short. Oh my goodness! I loved FFX's slow turn based battle system... I enjoy giving time to think about my next attack :) Or walking away from the PS2 for like 10mins lolIs it worth $60? well ofcourse it is, the game has 30+ hours of gameplay that would keep anyone busy for a while.
For me no I hated the game, I loved FF7,8, and X but 13 was just not the same for me :(
GOW3 and FFXIII I believe do own the Ps3 right now.In all honesty, I think that it is the best game for PS3 released so far this year. It was/is so worth the $60.
The game was not meant for hardcore gamers. Too much auto crap. I still think it was worth the money though because I still liked how fast the battles went, the graphics, bits of story being revealed every so often, the datalog, everything being so convient. Ending was meh, and I just wished there was more interactivity with your non-leader characters.
Without any shadow of a doubt, FFXIII was well worth my $60. Yes, I am one of the biggest FF fanboys, but it was just an excellent game. Not the best of the series, but great in its own right and worthy of the franchise name. It makes me look forward even more to Versus and Agito.
I think the love for this game highlights the casual nature of console gamers... I'm gonna stop reading FF threads because the praise it gets is killing the game even more for me but I still wanna finish it.tirralirra don't like playing games that other people like? O.o
[QUOTE="tirralirra"]I think the love for this game highlights the casual nature of console gamers... I'm gonna stop reading FF threads because the praise it gets is killing the game even more for me but I still wanna finish it.Khadaj32 don't like playing games that other people like? O.o
lol It's hilarious when you just put it like that but I kind of agree with what you are saying.[QUOTE="tirralirra"]I think the love for this game highlights the casual nature of console gamers... I'm gonna stop reading FF threads because the praise it gets is killing the game even more for me but I still wanna finish it.Khadaj32 don't like playing games that other people like? O.o
oh oh! we're not going there again. but kind of. especially if its unwarranted like COD and FF. where as gamews like Warhawk and Valkria Chronicles gets little praise and it makes me happy that I having fun with them while many other people aren;t.Please Log In to post.
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