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Nah, because I got a 60 gig with the most PS2 compatability and still play a few PS2 titles and like being able to leave my PS2 at home for when I come in for break.The_Rick_14
i wish i had a 60 gig ps3, i have to carry my ps2/ps3 through the effing airport everytime i go home just to play it..and thats a pain in the @ss
oh and i would get a steel ps3 depending on how much heavier it is, the price, and how it looks. cuz the black ps3 is pretty clean but utterly boring..thats right, i said it!!
[QUOTE="--MAV3R1CK--"]I know most of us here have a PS3, but i'd like to ask this question, if you already had a PS3, would you sell it to get the limited ediiton Steel PS3 thats coming out exclusively for MGS4? (Its a Japan product but you can easily import it from websites.)
Would you do it?
If you don't have a PS3, would you get this limited edition PS3 or just get a regular one?
(Also, do you guys think there will be another limited edition consle for a game like this or do you think this will be the only one?)
IMHO, and not meaning to troll, but it would depend on the circumstances. When I got mine in Nov 2007, there was some user posting a coupon on here for Kmart for 20% off anything over $75. So, I got my ps3 for $320. As I already own a 360 for gaming it wouldn't be worth getting a ps3 for $400 just for it's exclusives. Mine was primaryly purchased as a Blu Ray player, but I do enjoy the PS3's exclusives. So, for Blu Ray I would still purchase one, but as a gaming console I wouldn't. If I had to choose between a steel or black ps3, I'd pick the black one because it's a beautiful console.
Thats a really bad example. because really know one buys a 360 now for anything as of the last 4 months world wide? And im sure its gonna get much worse a year from now, and a year from a year from now. In fact if you do the math. The'll be dead "or at least way behind "times doubel digits" by Aug 2010. Point is people will be wanting PS3s and Wii more and more. And to game. Look at my sig "an thats all before 2009, long enough 2012." And the color is cool. I would do it. I may do it!!!! For the right price, if it comes to the US. I will. As many others are witing for the reasons to buy. And this may be enough for many. For others it will be something else in 09? For others it will be something else in 2010.
I'll stick with Black......all systems should be black (and have blue lights and trim).Deominator
LOL maybe I should put neons under my PS3??
Um we have seen official pictures of it that someone posted the link to, so please read before posting something like that.How can you ask about buying something no one has seen yet?
That's like getting married to someone who you never seen or knew.
That was real dumb.
[QUOTE="--MAV3R1CK--"]I'd have to see real Steel PS3 pictures to make an assumption first.catfishmoon23
Link for MGS4 "Steel" PS3
edit: lol I didn't know you were the TC.
that steel color is horrible imo. i'd trade my PS3 for a white one though
I'm not that concerned with having a special colored game console.
for handhelds, sure, because I'll be seen with it, but I'd rather everything under my tv were jet black and practically invisible.
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