come on, ladies and gentlemen. SMILE. You own a ps3. You bought one in hopes of it being a worthy investment, and you're watching it evolve into a machine that its competition simply can't keep up with.
Then a firmware upgrade comes out with a revamped look, including slightly larger font, a redesigned friends-list appearance, and a moving-theme ability; now all you do is complain? I personally can't wait to see what new themes rise with this possibility (Kratos is gunna be bouncin' all over my jaunt). I could care less if the look of my friends list changes, it's still just as usuable. I don't care if the fonts larger- now I can read it better as I age (joke- at least from farther away; I only own a 30").
I appreciate the what's new feature because I forget to check psn every so often to where when I actuall do get around to it, I'm downloading ten demos at once. Now I know when there's a need to get on the ps store, and it'll also be easier for me to do so.
My point is basically this: please quit complaining. You've stuck with sony during larger price tags and lower game selections, so what's the harm in a display makeover that's completely practical? I got sick of my ps3's look now that I've had it for so long. I'm rolling with sony on this one. They have the best intentions at heart.
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